Chapter 8

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2D hugged Noodle tightly and planted a kiss on her nose. He picked her up and went into a room across the hall quickly and eagerly. He pushed the door open and after they were inside he closed it with his foot. He placed her on the middle of the bed gently, climbing on top of her to kiss her again.

Noodle dried his tears off with her thumb and he gave a small grin. After overthinking about her and Murdoc, she gave in and returned 2D's kisses which he dearly welcomed.

But it was all too much and she struggled not to cry. Her breaths were shaky and she was trying hard to keep sobs from coming out of her mouth. She loved Murdoc and would never want to hurt him, but she could never hurt 2D either.

Suddenly, 2D backed away and sat up on the bed. Noodle followed, a confused look on her face, chest still trembling from the sobs that ware ought to come.

2D pulled her into his lap so her legs were on either of his sides.

"Noodle," he muttered, "I... I luv yew."

"Stuart-" Noodle began.

"No, it's okay if you don' luv meh. I jus' 'ad to say et. "

"2D, I love you too. But why haven't you ever said a thing? I loved you since ever... While I was a teenager. Not like a best friend. I loved you- loved you. And now you do this when I'm-" she sighed and tears started streaming down her face. She crawled out of his lap and sat on the other edge of the bed.

"When yew're wot? Taken?" 2D asked.

She couldn't do it. She couldn't tell him she was with Murdoc, it would crush him.

"I'm sorry, Toochi," she whimpered.

"Murdoc went ta see Powla'. Didja kno' she called me too this mornin'?" 2D crawled over the bed and sat next to Noodle.

She looked up at him with bloodshot eyes.

"Asked if I wonted ta meet up. I couldn' utta' a word, so I just put her on speak'a phone and let 'er talk. After I wouldn' answer..." he swallowed and took Noodle's hand, "She called me a cunt and said tha' she'll jus' call Mu'doc fo' sum fun. Noodle," he lifted her chin up with his hand, ''I would protect you and love you until I was a goner. All the songs I ever wrote were all for you. Ever since you came back I've been feeling like this... I can't explain.'' 2D's pronounciation errors were all gone, kind of like when he was singing. He had to make sure Noodle took him seriously.

Noodle shivered. Well, 2D obviously knew about her and Murdoc, the question was for how long. How long had she been hurting him without even knowing? But now, nothing seemed to matter to her anymore, except 2D. She was sad and jealous, but she tried to push it out of her mind, push the once beloved satanist out of her mind.

A twelve-pack of beer caught Noodle's eye and she reached out and took two cans, handing one to 2D.

"Well if they're having fun, we should too," she wiped her tears off and forced a smile.

They opened their cans and drank until there was no more beer left and twelve emptied cans were scattered across the floor.

Noodle leaned closer toward the singer and he captured her lips in a passionate kiss, pulling her on top of him on the bed. He pulled her dress off swiftly and tossed it over her, glad to see she wasn't wearing a bra. He took his shirt off next and the began fumbling with the belt of his trousers. Suddenly he paused and gently pulled Noodle off him in order for her to stop kissing his chest.

"Noods-" he started.

"Toochi," she said at the same time.

"I can't do this to Murdoc," they said in unison.

''Yew go first,'' he laughed.

''Okay. Well, it's just that I'm not the kind of girl to cheat. And I love him. But I also love you... And it's killing me.''

''I'm sorry luv,'' he stroked her cheek,'' I unda'stand. And yew should be with 'im.''

''Really?'' she looked up at him, a genuine smile forming on her lips.

''Reawwy. I kno' 'ow 'ard it is when someon' cheats on you. It 'urts and I wouldn' wont it to 'appen to Mu'doc. And although I luv ya I'll be ok... I 'ope so.''

Noodle hugged him and pulled the covers over them.

''Thank you 2D. I just hope Mudz won't succumb to Paula,'' she was still very suspicious of what Murdoc was doing.

''I'm sure he'll tell 'er to go fuck 'erself if she eve tries to touch 'im,luv,'' he laughed and kissed her forehead.

They were half naked but they didn't really care. Maybe it was the fact that they felt relieved or the fact that they just got back from a whole day's journey that made them not care. Maybe it was the alchohol. They fell asleep in a second, tangled into each other.

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