MECH tossed you into a bigger mess than intended

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"Most people, in my opinion, steal much of what they are. If they didn't what poor items they would be."
– Julian Barnes
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   Shelter. Shelter shelter shelter shelter shelter shelter.

   You needed to find shelter. Aami has passed out on your back as you rocketed through the sky.

   Fuel. You needed to find energon. Neither of you had had any since . . .

How long had it been? Long enough for you to improve your flying skills. Aami's limp frame tied to your cockpit certainly made you speed things up.

Stay calm. You needed to stay calm. Aami wouldn't stay alive if you didn't think clearly and stay calm. You wanted her to live the best unemotionally-scarred life. Live it . . .

You couldn't help but panic. What was going to happen? We're the two of you going to be stuck like this forever with nowhere to go?! What was Aami's life going to be like if you couldn't provide for her?! What would become of her if something happened to you and she ended up all alone?!

   A few days passed, or at least you thought so. They all blurred together while you flew at your fastest, a speed that decreased with every waking moment. More recently, you started blacking out for a few seconds. Every time, you jostled yourself awake. Your little girl woke up too when it happened. She was mostly passed out in her uncomfortable position, occasionally muttering in her sleep. Warnings of all kinds flashed in your vision. You knew Aami was likely getting much worse.

   W . . . what was that in the distance? You had to reboot yourself for a moment to make your surroundings clearer. Things had started to get fuzzy and blobby again.

   A . . . Was that a spaceship? It didn't look like a human design or build, and it was much too large. That was definitely Cybertronian.

   First off, awesome! You were seeing a real life spaceship! You could also use it as shelter for you and Aami. You began to dive towards it in a slow descent, not wanting to crash or hurt Aami. Soon enough, you were near the ground and had to jostle your child awake.

   "Hey, kid, wake up!" You urged. "I'm gonna untie ya and transform, okay?"

   The cables that held her down loosened and retracted back into you. Aami held on as you transformed and caught her before you landed in a squat on the hard ground. It took her a moment to see what was in front of her as you set her down.

   "Is that a spaceship?" She asked in bewilderment. She looked up at you for confirmation.

   You nodded hesitantly. "I think so. I think it's a Cybertronian ship, flown by whoever these people are." You motioned towards your new body. You then motioned towards the grounded ship that was half buried by a mountain. "C'mon, hon, lets go exploring."

   "What if this belongs to somebody? What if someone's inside?" Aami questioned as the two of you walked over.

   "The two of us need fuel and shelter and rest. I don't care what happens so long as we get those things, especially you." You watched her wobble in her step. "Need me to carry ya?"

   "I'll be fine." You sighed. You knew better than to trust someone when they say they're fine so dismissively.

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