When the past comes back to haunt you

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"Don't be afraid to steal, just steal the right stuff."
- Mike Monteiro
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Arcee, Bee, Bulk, and Aami cheered their human friends on. You cheered on Jack from your medical berth, while Aami supported Raf, who she had grown close to while you were comatose. The human trio raced remote-controlled toy cars colored like their guardians.

"PRIME!" Fowler appeared on Ratchet's green monitor screen. "Do you read me?!"

"Aplogies, Agent Fowler, but Optimus is not here at the moment," the medic replied.

"Then I'll take that as confirmation that he's presently trying to run me off the road!"

You sat up in your berth, leaning forwards in interest. Your elbows rested on your bent knees, and you placed your chin in your servos.

"Agent Fowler, that hardly seems likely!"

"Tell that to my burning treads!"

"Sounds like a mission to me," you said to Arcee as Ratchet readied the ground bridge.

"Yep. I hope it's not like what Fowler says it is," the femme answered. "And you're not coming, if that's what you're thinking." She walked over to you for a moment. You straightened up and took your chin out of your servos.

You scoffed playfully and waved a servo. "Please, I might 'ave a history of doin' bad things, but I know how to properly take care of m'self."

Arcee hummed in skeptical agreement, playing along. One of her servos rested on a cocked out hip. The sound of the ground bridge reached your audios.

"C'mon Cee!" Bulkhead urged.

"Gotta go. Wish me luck," she said. She began to turn away.

"You wanna good luck kiss?" You teased, a grin growing on your faceplates. She glanced back at you in surprise, though at this point she felt she shouldn't be surprised at all. Her cheeks were tinted blue.

"I-um," she paused. She couldn't hold up her teammates any longer, and had already warmed up to the idea of being your lover. "Sure," Arcee replied.

You took her face in one servo, while using the other to push yourself towards her. Your rough lips pressed against her warm cheek for a few seconds before you pulled back. You smiled at her with encouragement and adoration, as well as smugness because of how much hotter her face had become within those few seconds. It made you want to laugh.

She quickly turned away and jogged over to her friends. You laughed with Bee and Bulk at her adorable embarrassment. Your wings fluttered high with happiness. She glared half-heartedly at the mechs before they transformed and rolled on out. The two-wheeler spared you a glance before riding off.

Now that you and Aami were alone with the kids and Ratchet, you encouraged the children to put on a movie while you all waited. Miko argued for a creature feature and won, with the input of your child, who had never seen one before. Miko had looked offended and doubled down on her choice.

It wasn't very far into the movie when the bot trio called for a bridge home. The plot had just kicked in. You didn't think much of it--the bots calling in a bit urgently or the movie--but that quickly changed when the mechs rushed through. Bumblebee held Arcee in his arms, gently in bridle style. Your wings drooped to their lowest almost immediately.

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