Sweet child o' mine

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"Let's commit the perfect crime, I'll steal your heart and you'll steal mine."
- Anonymous
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   "C'mon, Ratch. Jus' one flight? I promise I won't be long. I can take someone with," you pleaded. You lay on your medical berth, your wings unmoving under you. You knew arguing was pointless; Ratchet would win, and have the last say no matter what.

   "For the last time, no," he paused from his work to glare before returning to it. "Your injury may have healed, but you are still in recovery after such a wound. It is best that you refrain from any stressful activity for a few days." He picked up a wrench and waved it threateningly at you for a second, before putting it down.

   You sighed. "'Cee, sweetspark, help you're darlin' out?" You asked as the motorcycle rolled in and transformed. Jack had hopped off and jogged over to the human area. She noticeably blushed at "sweetspark".

   "No can do. Ratchet's the boss when it comes to that." She walked over to you. You held her gaze as she walked over, keeping yourself from focusing on her swaying hips. You'd love to stare, but now wasn't quite time, especially in front of your child.

   You couldn't wait until the two of you were alone, and she was comfortable enough to let you hold them and give the femme the time of her life.

   You simply sighed in mock defeat and shrugged. Aami giggled from her place beside you as she used her digit to create art on her datapad.

   "What do ya think you're laughin' at?" You teased, rubbing her helm. She laughed softly to herself some more.

   Your sparkling was drawing a picture of you and her as a family. You hoped that Arcee might become a part of the picture too, one day. Maybe soon.

   An idea came to your processor. "Hey 'Cee, maybe you could take Aami out fer a li'l! She 'asn't gotten ta stretch her legs in a while."

   "It's not like she can go on a drive," Arcee answered, confused. She stopped a few paces away from your berth. Aami curiously looked up from her datapad to you and Arcee.

   "I meant on a walk, hon." Your lady friend blushed faintly and glanced away from embarrasment in realization. You quietly snickered to yourself. You loomed to your little one, who had an interested smile on her face. You asked, "You want that? Ya can even get in some quality time wi'h my lady, or-" you looked flirtatiously over to the two-wheeler, "-to-be lady."

   More color was added to Arcee's cheeks. You could hear faint, human snickering from behind her.

   "Okaaay," she crawled, moving on, "so, you want that walk or not?"

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   Obviously, the little and big femme weren't able to walk around base in broad daylight, so a ground bridge had to be utilized.

   Aami had insisted on going back to the ship she had previously called home. Ratchet obliged, uncaring as ever.

   She was sure what had happened before she left would stick with her for a while . . .

NOTORIOUS // TFP Arcee X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now