Cenn and 'Cee

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"Thievery pays for the tools, and the work shows me the mind of God. Stealing is a lot like alchemy, you know. In each, we each try to find what is beautiful and hidden and make it ours."
Richard Kadrey
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   You and Aami took a walk outside around the ship's area. You'd been wanting her to get off her computer and stretch her legs.

   The two of you talked about your meet up with Arcee. Aami expresses her concern over it all, and you in turn reassured her that she was safe with you, and you hadn't revealed her age or identity. You did your best to lower her levels of worry so she could enjoy herself.

   Other than that, she ran around and observed everything. Your ship was barked between desert and barren forest, which eventually turned into a not-barren forest. Aami had never been out in the desert before. You laughed as she pointed out all she could and asked as many questions as her voice box would allow. You did your best to answer. What you couldn't answer was what you promised to find out with her when the two of you went back to the ship.

"Hey Cenn, why are tumbleweeds a thing?" She didn't see any, the desert just reminded her of one.

"Uuuh, I dunno kid. We can google it when we get back."

"The ship doesn't have Google though. It's an alien spaceship. Google wasn't even invented when the ship crashed here."

"I'm sure we can figure out how to get it in the systems anyways. I'm an adult, and you're a genius!"

Your wings fluttered as you laughed to yourself. Aami looked at them sadly.

"I wish I could transform." You hummed and patted her on the back.

"I'm sure you'll be able to when you're older. Maybe there are some files on sparkling development in there! I know you haven't seen all of them, though considering how much time you've spent reading through them, it's a fact that surprises me." You laughed louder.

"I spent a lot of time sorting them out and neatening them all up! It was all very messy. He had a lot of cool stories too, though! He was a writer and everything was so eloquently worded and he had fables and-"

You couldn't help but continue laughing to yourself. It was amusing to you. The little girl excitedly rambling on about the things that she'd found was adorable. Aami took your servo and skipped along, squeezing it and swinging it back and forth. She talked on and on about the stories he'd written. She did her best to describe and explain them with her available vocabulary, occasionally looking to you to supply words that wouldn't come to processor.

Aami really was your child. You were somewhat thankful for your unique circumstances. They were what pulled the two of you together, closer than what you'd had before. You regretted your unique circumstances were what had to happen instead of something less life-altering.

You were all she had now. She'd barely had people before, and now, it was just you and the ship's computer.

"Hey kid?" You spoke up suddenly, looking down with soft optics. "Sorry to interrupt, but, you wanna watch some movies when we get back? Marathon, maybe? I'm sure we can get into the internet and I can pirate some Disney stuff or other . . ."

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