And so we meet again

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"Stolen pleasures are always more thrilling than those come by honestly."
– Ann Leary
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   "Y'know, if you keep gettin' dirt and grime in all the li'l  cracks of your armor each time we go outside, I might just lock you up in this ship," you announced, carefully running your cloth covered servo over Aami's armor. You sat in the chair in front of the computer she always sat at. She was reluctantly perched on your lap.

   "But Ceeeenn," the little femme protested, drawling out your parental title.

   "But what? Look at this!" You laughed and dangled the cloth in front of her face. Your sharp digits clung to the very edge because it was almost completely covered in dirt. "It's like you're spendin' the entire time buryin' everything but your helm in the ground, like you're at the beach or somethin'."

   "Just hurry up," Aami huffed.

   "Yeah, yeah, I'm workin' on it."

   The young grounder was quiet for a moment. "Can we go to the beach? Using the ground bridge, I mean. I've never been. My parents went one time, but they left me at home alone."

   You paused. "Uh, yeah, sure kid," you answered, continuing to drag your cloth covered claw through the tiny transformation seams in her shoulders. "We can pack up some stuff and have a lil vaca-day."

"Wooh!" She gave a little cheer and pumped a fist in the air. You hummed in amusement. Your wings fluttered with your quiet laughter. Moments later, you finished up.

"Alright, now we can add new wax to make ya all nice n' shiny!" You exclaimed as Aami pushed herself off the chair. She groaned as her pedes hit the floor.

"I already took a shower in wash racks and you took care of the last of the dirt. Why the wax? It's not like anybody'll see me besides you."

You sighed. "Fine, you don't gotta add the wax. But if you want people to see you, maybe we can chat up the Autobots once I look into 'em a little more."

   Aami paused and looked over at you. "You talked to the motorcycle one, didn't you? What did you find out from her?"

   You hadn't told her yet, right. When you came back she'd been letting her fear feed her imagination. You had to calm her down and spent the next few days having quality family bonding time.

   "Uh, in her team there's her, her leader Optimus Prime, the muscle, Bulkhead, the scout, Bumblebee, and the medic, Ratchet. She seems pretty fond of 'em all. I like 'er. She's got some trust issues and a teenage boy fer a partner who seems nice enough. She doesn't have too many hobbies."

"That's it?"

"They have some human friends, ones that they've befriended and do their best to protect. They even have one that works for the government. Helps keep 'em hidden from human eyes, which is probably why nobody's ever heard of 'em 'sides MECH."

"Have you asked her about MECH? Does she know why their so interested with cybertronians? Do any of them?" Aami questioned with hopeful optics, jogging a kid over to you. You stood up from the chair, fiddling with the cloth. You tapped your pede on the floor.

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