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the time seemed to pass quite slowly, and it agonized lisa more than it should have. all she wanted was for her shift to end already, be back home into the arms of the woman she loves. they didn't have all the time in the world, soon they were going to run out of it and jennie would be back to los angeles and it's more empty spaces around her again.

she had to work though because if she didn't how in heck was she going to spoil her lady? exactly.

despite being such a stubborn puerile asshole, lisa was independent, wasn't spoilt in such means, and her parents couldn't be more thankful for having brought up a girl like her in this world.

anyhow that day lisa had promised jennie that they were going out and enjoy each other's presence after her work.

honestly, though, there wasn't much to do in a record store, hence lisa's boredom.

she couldn't even focus in reading the comics she brought with her. thirty minutes seemed like thirty days, that was how slow time was moving to her irritation. so she got up from her spot and began to roam around the store, fixing things that seemed misplaced.

she then began to hum along to the song her co-worker played.

"you're really fidgety, lis," mark began, lisa could feel his eyes on her, carefully trying to figure her out.

"you think so?" she asked as she tilted her head to the side. she didn't know she was that obvious, honestly. she fixed her bangs and then in the corner of her eyes she saw their boss, irene, come out of the office with her keys in hands.

"what's up, kids?" she raised both of her eyebrows at mark and lisa.

irene wasn't much of a hard-ass boss, in fact she acted like an older sister more than that, she also loved to refer her employees as her children ever since that slip up mark had years ago. it had to do with the line: "yes, mom, i'll be fine to close-up on my own. i'm a big boy!"

the record store didn't really that have much of employees but they were loyal, and they stayed with irene for the longest time. there was lisa, mark, bobby, sana, and minnie. although that time, it was just lisa, and mark—it was a slow day, so it wasn't really busy, and even on the days they considered fast, it could still be managed.

upon hearing the bells from the door, lisa checked if it's any customer, but it just turned out to be irene's girlfriend, wendy.

ah so that was why she was leaving early...

"hey, wendy" lisa greeted.

mark popped his head out from the counter and grinned, "other mom!"

"jesus, mark." wendy laughed and put an arm around irene.

"are you guys going to be okay?" irene asked, a crease between her brows. she seemed worried for some reason.

lisa thought she was worried for nothing at all. "we'll be fine, well, mark will be fine, i have to leave in seven—"

then the bell chimed once again and another person came inside the store, those feline eyes and chubby cheeks never failed to be such distinguishing features, because of those from a mile away lisa could tell it's jennie.

her winning smile was plastered on her face, her gums showing, her eyes squished, her cheeks ready to be bitten. "jennie," lisa finally managed to utter, quite softly, almost like a whisper.

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