The Doorway of Keith's Bedroom; Castle of Lions

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Lance was sleeping peacefully on Keith's bed, surrounded by pillows. He was wrapped up tight in a blanket. He giggled and cooed in his sleep.

"So, does anyone here know how to take care of a baby?"

Everyone except Shiro and Coran was there. Coran was busy looking something up in his old records. Shiro was still crying on the floor.

Lance sat up with minimal difficulty and started fake-crying. "Wahh... wahh... waaahhh." He slowly got more insistent. Keith walked over quietly, approaching Lance as though he were a strange and new thing that Keith had never seen before.

"It's okay, it's ok. I... I'm here, baby. I'm here, Lance. Just stop crying-"

A hitching sob broke Keith's heart in two. He sprinted over to the baby, panicking and trying not to let it show. He shushed Lance, but nothing seemed to work. He picked up the baby and ran to the kitchen.

"Are you hungry? You... you've gotta be hungry... what's wrong?" Keith moaned in exasperation. "Why can't babies talk?"

Shiro walked in, taking a deep breath. "Hey, Keith." A pause. "I see you have Lance."

Keith looked at the team leader and shook his head. "I don't know what to do with him."

"I do." Shiro walked over, picked Lance up, and bounced him gently.

Keith watched in awe as Shiro quieted Lance and got him to eat a little bit of space goo.

"How did you do that?" Keith asked Shiro, trying to hide most of his emotions.

"You know about Adam?"

Keith nodded.

"He and I took a parenting class. For fun."

Keith laughed. Of course, Shiro would find any kind of mental stimulus "fun".

"So, do you wanna know the secrets?"

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