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Everyone went their separate ways after getting the news. Bryan was the only one who didn't leave and everyone understood why. He wanted to be the first one she saw when she woke up from surgery. Every one else was just glad she was alive and okay.

The words Bryan brew stuck with a few people. Some even thought about them all the way home. Bryan was right, life's too short to be acting like some of them have and the near death experience one of their close friends had was enough to open their eyes.

Kelly and Viah went home with a sleeping Avery Kai. The house was quiet but Viah's mind was not. She let Kelly put Avery down as she paced back and forth through the bedroom with anxiousness.

"What a day.." Kelly exhaled while entering the room. He plopped on the bed and kicked off his shoes. He finally noticed Viah's uneasiness. "Vee, what's wrong? We found out that Destiny is ok."

"It's not that Kelly.. I've actually got something else to tell you."

"So you really are pregnant?" His eyes widened. "Come on man, Avery's only one!" He whined.

"I'm not pregnant. It's about the movie I auditioned for."

"Did you get it?"

"I did."

"That's great babe!" He pulled her over to him for a hug. "But why aren't you excited about it?"

"Because I'd have to be gone for a while to film."

He shrugged. "Gone where? Out the state?"

She shook her head no. "Out the country."

"Out the country? Viah.... no."

"Kelly I-"

He begin to yell. "What about Avery? What about me? What are we supposed to do with you gone? Hell, what about us and the wedding we're supposed to be planning? You can't go, Vee. Hell no."

Viah could sense an argument coming on and she really didn't want to start anything, plus she seen how upset he was just mentioning it. She really wanted Kelly to think about it but he wouldn't even give her time to elaborate, or even give her side. All she knew is that she wanted to go, but she wanted to reason this out with her soon to be husband. But he wasn't with that today. She figured he'd atleast think about it especially since he travels for work all the time.

Kelly laid back and turned the TV on while Viah sighed and got ready for bed. She'd bring it up again later and hope he'd have a different attitude.


Patrick and I stopped for food before him taking me home. I got a appetite after knowing Destiny would be okay.

"Thanks for getting me food, Patrick."

"You know it was nothing." He smiled.

Although, I was thinking of how Patrick and I were fixing our friendship, I thought of Colin. I have to finally tell him about me cheating on him. And with his child's godfather.



"It's gonna be okay," He rubbed my hand.

"I don't know. I haven't seen Colin in a while or heard from him so I can only imagine what's on his mind."

"When do you plan on seeing him?"

"Soon. Like tomorrow."

As we were pulling up to my place, I started to text Colin... just to see that he was texting me.

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