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How Do You Feel?
Are you feeling happy or sad? Anxious or calm? In this lesson, you will learn vocabulary for talking about emotions in French.

In French, most emotions are expressed using adjectives, which have two forms - masculine and feminine. However, there are some emotions that have only one form. Let's take a look at some common words for emotions then we'll look at examples of how they are used.

Emotions with Two Forms

Masculine - content (pronounced: kahn-than), heureux (pronounced: euhr-euh)
Feminine - contente (pronounced: kahn-tahnt), heureuse (pronounced: euhr-euhz)
Luc and Marie decide to take their children, Anne and Paul, to the beach for vacation. Anne and Paul are happy to hear this news. Paul says, je suis content (pronounced: zhuh swee kahn-than), meaning 'I am happy.' Anne agrees, saying je suis contente.

At the beach, Luc feels happy. He could say, je suis heureux. Marie would say, je suis heureuse.


Masculine - fâché (pronounced: fah-shay)
Feminine - fâchée (pronounced: fah-shay)
Notice that both forms fâché and fâchée are pronounced the same, but the feminine form is spelled with an additional e.
Anne and Paul enjoy the beach, but they sometimes annoy and fight with each other. When Anne takes Paul's favorite beach towel, Paul gets mad. He tells his parents, je suis fâché, meaning 'I am angry.' He steals the towel back from Anne, which makes her mad. Moi aussi, je suis fâchée (pronounced: mwah oh-see, zhuh swee fah-shay), declares Anne, meaning I'm angry too.

Other Examples Using Two Forms

Masculine    : (Worried)    inquiet (pronounced: ahn-kee-ay)   
Feminine : inquiète (pronounced: ahn-kee-eht)

Masculine: (Relieved)    soulagé (pronounced: sooh-lah-zhay)   
Feminine: soulagée (also pronounced: sooh-lah-zhay.)

Masculine: (Excited)    super content (pronounced: sooh-pehr kahn-tahn)

Feminine : super contente (pronounced: sooh-pehr kahn -tahnte)

Masculine: (Excited) impatient (pronounced: ahm-pah-see-ahn)   
Feminine : impatiente ( pronounced : ahm-pah-see- ahnte)


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