Grammar #3- Question-Words

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*Comment allez-vous? -> How are you ?
[Koman allé vous?]
*Quelle heure est-il? -> What time is it ?
[Kel eure é til]
*Où allons-nous déjeuner? -> Where are we going to lunch ? [Ou allon nou déjené{é:ai}]
*Combien font deux et deux ? -> what is the result of two and two ? [ konbien fon deu é deu]
*Qu'avez-vous fait pendant le week-end? -> What did you do during the week end ? [Kavé vou fé pandan leu week end?]
*Pourquoi ne l'envoyez-vous pas de chez vous ? -> Why don't you send it from home? [pourekoi neu l'anvoillé vou pa deu ché vou?]

The question-words which are used at the beginning of a question and also after a preposition are the following:
qui [ki] -> who?
qu',que? [k', keu?] -> what?
Où? [ou?] -> where?
Quand? [kan?] -> when
Pourquoi? [pourekoi?] -> why?
Comment? [koman?] -> how?
Combien? [konbien] -> how much, how many ?
Quel, quelle ? [ kel?] -> which, what?

The question-words are followed by subject-verb inversion, whether the subject is a noun or a pronoun:

*Comment va votre frère ? -> How is your brother? [koman va vautreu fraire?] : Q+Verb+Noun

Comment va-t-il? -> how is he ? [koman va til ?] : Q+Verb+SP

The question-word combien may occur before a noun; in this position it has the form combien de:
*Combien de billets avez vous ? -> how many tickets do you have ? [Kombien de billé avé vou?]

Quel may also occur before third-person forms of the one verb être:
Quelle est votre pointure ? -> what is your show size? [kel é vautreu pouintureu?] : what is your shoe's size?

here's the lesson for the questions and words !!! Keep up !! ❤️ if you have any suggestions or ideas just tell me in the comments or by Private message ! Thx! XOXO 💋

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