Harrison x Reader

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(Y/n) is one of the most gorgeous people in this camp. I mean, sure all the other girls here are good looking, but, (y/n) is just something different.

The way her eyes sparkle like stars when she talks about (f/s), the way her  smile can light up an entire room.

Shes just perfect. And she does magic too!! It just makes even more perfect then she already is!

I've been planning for about a 2 weeks a way for me to confess my feelings for her. I was first going to ask her on a "date" into the woods so we can be alone then well I'll see where it goes from there...

Your POV


I shush Nikki by covering her mouth with my hand. After she calmed down I slowly took my hand away from her mouth.

"Dont be so loud!!" I scold Nikki with a hint of annoyance in my voice. "Sorry!! Its just- why won't you tell him its obvious you have a thing for him." Nikki says crossing her arms. (Also you guys are in her tent, everyone else is doing their own thing) Shes always telling me about my obvious crush on Harrison and how I should confess my feelings but I just cant. It's so nerve wracking, what if he rejects me and its awkward between us the rest of the summer!!

Me and Nikki continued to talk about Harrison and some adventures she had with Max and Neil when an all to familiar voice was coming from outside the tent.

"(Y/n), y-you in t-there?" Harrison asked shyly. I laughed at Harrisons adorable stutter as a tint of pink crept across my cheeks.

"Yes, I'm talking to Nikki. You can come in if you want." You said looking at the shadow of Harrison through the thin tent walls (?)

Harrison slowly walked through the tent flaps (?) with a (f/f) in his hand.

"H-hello (y/n) I was w-wondering if you'd l-like to go on a w-walk with me i-in the woods later on tonight." Harrison was handing me the (f/f) as he awkwardly tried to ask me on a "date"

I giggled and agreed to go with Harrison on his little walk while looking redder than a tomato. Harrison left the tent to get ready for the walk and left me and Nikki with my (f/f) in my hand.

"OH MY GOD (Y/N) HE ASKED YOU ON A DATE!!" Nikki squealed like a little girl into my ear. "Its not a date Nikki, he just want to hang out as friends." I reassured Nikki. "Stop lying to yourself!! Hes totally into you!!" Nikki once again squealed.

I left Nikki's tent so I can go to mine and get ready to go on the walk. I pick out my favorite (f/c) hoodie and blue jeans. I change into that brush my hair and add a little bit of mascara.
I finish getting myself ready and, as if on cue, Harrison "knocks" on my tent door (?).

I open up the flap and see Harrison without his usual outfit. He was wearing a regular t-shirt with Jean's and a sweater wrapped around his waist. It was weird seeing him without his usual suit on, but it looked nice.

"You look n-nice" Harrison compliments me, snapping me out of my thoughts. I compliment him on his new look and he blushes. We stand in silence, it wasnt an awkward silence, more of a calming silence.

Harrison hesitantly grabs my hand and starts walking towards the woods. I blush all shades of red and pink and follow him.

Time skip to an hour into the walk

Me and Harrison have been sitting on a log for a good 15 minutes. It looks like he was in deep thought so I leave him alone not wanting to interrupt. It was once again silent, but a nice, calm silence.

Harrison's POV

It was silent between me and (y/n) because I was having a mini argument with myself whether I wanted to go through with telling (y/n) I liked her or not.

I mean, I have had feelings for her ever since I found out she was in magic camp, but what if I get rejected and its awkward between us the rest of the summer!

But, if I dont tell her how I feel I will never know if she sells the same.

Okay, its settled, I'm telling her.

"H-hey, uh, (y/n) I have t-to tell y-you something," I say to her, catching her attention.

"I'm all ears." She responded smiling.

I nervously laugh and say," I l-like you, l-like ALOT. I mean like your just perfect, you have an amazing smile, you always know how to make me laugh. You do magic for crying out loud!! You're just perfect!!"

(Y/n) just stares at me with wide eyes and I start panicking. "You dont feel the same way do you, sorry I just needed to get that off of my chest. I should have neve-" I was cut off by (y/n) smashing her lips onto mine. I was confused so I didnt kiss back. When both of us needed oxygen she parted her lips from mine. "I like you too Harrison" I smile and hug her. She felt so warm. 


Nikki's POV

Me, Max and Neil were spying on Harrison and (y/n). I wanted to see everything go down. Plus, we made a bet that Harrison wouldnt man up and tell (y/n) he liked her. Me and Max knew Harrison would do it but Neil didnt believe he would so we all beted 20 bucks each.

Harrison just confessed his feelings, yes! 20 bucks. In your face Neil!! Me and Max look at Neil. He groans and takes 40 bucks out of his pocket. Me and Max laugh and snatch our 20 bucks each from Neil. I always knew Harrison would confess at some point. I call dibs on brides maid!!

WOOOOO another story (that sucks) I tried please leave more request so I'm not bored during the summer thanks!!


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