Max x Counselor!Reader

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 Also in this oneshot you and David are dating

  I have been working here as long as David, but neither him or me have seen such an interesting kid. Everyone see's Max as an asshole with no feelings, but I think he is just misunderstood. He seems to like me or at least be able to tolerate me. Unlike David, I know how to give people space when they need it.

Max has nice friends named Nikki and Neil, before when we went on hikes I would talk to him but he still seemed so lonely. But, now that he has friends, he looks way happier than he did before. I'm happy for him. 

Me and Max talk alot about random things, and he seems to enjoy it.

Max and Nikki were on an adventure and I was talking to Neil since he had a fractured wrist from his last adventure. He is actually a really interesting kid to talk to. He is so fascinated with science and is basically a child genius. I'm enjoying this conversation, it's nice.

Neil's POV

  Talking with (y/n) was nice, I dont know why Max said she was dumb and annoying. He was either over exaggerating or he was lying, most likely lying. I think that makes more sense, if he found her so intolerable why would he go out of his way to talk to her? Ooh I get it, hes just worried that me or Nikki might talk to her instead of him. I hear Max and Nikki from behind me, I guess (y/n) heard it too because she turned around at the same time I did. Max and Nikki noticed our staring and started walking towards us. Nikki was smiling like crazy but Max was just glaring at me. Okay now it was obvious he was lying about (y/n) being dumb and annoying.  Maybe I can mess around with Max, just to piss him off.

  "Hey Max me and (y/n) were just having a fantastic coversation about science, did you know she actually knows more about science than I do!" I say teasingly to Max. Max just scoffs and calls us nerds. I smirk to myself knowing it pissed him off.

  "Oh dear, I have to leave, I forgot I have to help David reset his Facebook account." I laugh and see Max walk off to his tent as (y/n) goes to help David with his "situation" Nikki goes to follow Ered around so I get up and walk to the tent me and Max share. I walk through the flaps to see Max reading a book (y/n) gave him awhile ago about ethics. He has finished that thing about 4 times already, he just keeps rereading it every time he finishes it. I sit on my bed and read a book (y/n) gave me about space. Max finished reading his book again, and looked at mines. "Where did you get that book from?" Max asked with a crack in his voice. I look up at him with a smile and nod. "Hey, um I dont think it would be a good idea to talk to (y/n) anymore because- she hates science?" Max said unsure. "Sounds like someone is jealous" I coo. Max stares at me and just walks out of the tent.

Max's POV

  Neil is a dick, and I'm not jealous. I just dont really like when (y/n) talks to other people. She is all I have as a parent figure so I dont really like "sharing" her.  I walk over to (y/n)'s cabin so I can talk to her. As I get closer I see David in her window talking to her she looked really tired.
I open the door slightly and David greets me. "Why hello Max! What brings you here?" I glare at him. "Can you get out so I can talk to (y/n)?" I ask remembering that the ethic book (y/n) gave me about cussing a little less. I see (y/n) smile and lay down on her bed face planting her pillow. I laugh and climb on her bed sitting down beside her. "Have you read the book I gave you?" She asks me with a sleepy voice. "Yup, all 986 pages of morals and principals." I say proud of myself.
I hear her laugh and sit up on the bed.
"I'm glad that you read it, at least you have been cussing less." I smile and lay down on her bed. I feel sleepy and snuggle her blankets.

(Y/n)'s POV

  I see Max fall asleep on my bed so I also say down feeling sleepy and cover me and Max with a blanket. It's nice hanging out and talking to Max, hes like the son I've never had but I hope to have someday, maybe with David we can have a kid or maybe we can adopt Max? Hes always talking about his neglectful parents, so maybe... one day.

David's POV

  After I left my sweet (y/n) and Max alone I realized I left my phone in there. I walk back in to see Max and (y/n) fast asleep, it was so cute! And Max looked like he was smiling, an actual genuine smile! I grab my phone and start walking back to my car so I can drive into town to get some papers.

Another "great story" by your truly, please request stories so I'm not bored during the summer. Be safe and dont choke on air like I did. What kind of papers do you think David is getting? Should I make a part 2? Please leave in the comments if I should make a part 2.



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