Max x Ghost!Reader Pt. 1

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This oneshot was requested by user70809379
Everyone's in this oneshot is aged up
Max and Neil: 14
Nikki: 13
Reader died: 14
Okay so before I start the story I just wanted to say that at first it is kinda Max x Neil but it'll be Max x reader soon enough

Max's POV

I've liked Neil since the moment I saw him, it felt weird and wrong having feelings. I told Nikki about my little crush on Neil and she said that he liked me but she was lying. She denied it at first but then I showed her the petals. I have Hanahaki, it's a disease you get when your love is one sided. And lucky me my favorite flower is a rose. Its painful, and as the days go by it only gets worse.

"Hey, Max wanna go put bee's in David's cabin with me and Neil?" I look up at Nikki with Neil standing behind her. I was about to respond when I start coughing. I cover my mouth and run to my tent. I can feel the blood run down the back of my throat from the roses thorns. I open the flap to my tent and cough all the blood and petals onto my bed.

My throat starts to swell up as I cough up more petals. I hear screaming and yelling coming from outside my tent. "Max!? I'm coming in, are you okay?!" I hear Neil's voice. I try to respond but I just fall to the ground and start choking. "Max, what the hell are you okay?" I feel Neil pick me up but I just cough up more petals. He sits me and stares at my bloody hoodie covered petals. I feel my body start to go numb and everything goes black.

Neil's POV

I stare at Max as he falls onto the ground, I cant move I just saw my best friend die. His bed, floor and hoodie was bloody and covered in rose petals and a couple of thorns here and there. I feel Someone put there hand on my shoulder, I flinch and turn around to see Nikki. "Do you k-know what?" I ask with a crack in my voice. She nods with tears streaming down her cheeks. "Hanahaki" Nikki says to me before leaving the tent to get help.

Max's POV

I open my eyes a few minutes after I black out and see Neil on the ground in front of a dead body. My vision was blurry but I'm pretty sure Neil was crying. I get up and pat his shoulder but my hand slices through his shoulder. As my vision clears up a bit I look at the dead body it looks like me. But how I'm right here standing next to Neil, but my slices through his shoulder. Holy shit, I think I just died.

I see Nikki and David rush into my tent and pick up my dead body. David and Nikki were crying ,but not Neil. Jesus christ was I really that much of an asshole to him. Neil gets up and leaves the tent leaving my ghostly self alone. What do I do now? I walked (?) Towards the dock, maybe I can just sit there for awhile. As I got closer I saw a girl my age sitting on the edge. She doesnt look familiar. I walk (?) up to her from behind. "H-hi?" I say tapping her shoulder lightly. She slowly turns around and makes eye contact with me. She looks scared and confused, "Are you okay?" I ask sitting next to her. She just stares at me, her eyes are a dull yet mesmerizing (e/c). "N-no." She responds with a raspy voice. It was silent for a solid five minutes. "What's your story?" I look at her confused, what did she mean? As if she read my mind she adds on. "Like, how did you die?" I look at the oddly green and blue colored lake, "Hanahaki, I liked my best friend, he didnt like me back. The surgery to get rid of hanahaki was expensive, so my parents didnt want to get surgery. I died not so long ago, I think 10 minutes ago." I look at her and notice her right eye was a grey color, there was also a scar on the same eye starting below her eyebrow and ending a couple centimeters below her eye. "What's with your eye?" I ask pointing at her eye. (Rude) She laughs and points at Spooky Island. "I went there alot with Red Knees, one time we had a little argument and I went alone. There was a weird guy there, he made my eye that way it is now because I kicked him where the sun dont shine after he scared me. I tried to run away but I couldn't, the blood coming from my right eye somehow got into my left eye and I was completely blind. Long story short, the guy found me again and drowned me." I stare at her, she sounded so calm and relaxed. "How long ago was it?" She thinks for a moment, "How old is Red knees?" "David, hes 24, you know him?" She nods, "yeah me and him went to camp together. He was the only person nice to me hehe. Oh, and my death was about 10 years ago." I was shocked, her and David should be the same age but she looks 14. There was an awkward silence she looked sad now. I put my hand on her shoulder, she tensed up a bit but relaxed. It was like that until there was footsteps heard from behind us. Both of us turned around to see Jasper. "Hey, (y/n)!" Jasper sat on the other side of (y/n), "Oh, hey Max! What happened to you?" He seemed happier than the last time I saw him. "Hanahaki" Jaspers facial expression saddened. "Sorry bud, but atleast you get to hang out with me and (n/n)!" I smiled a bit. Jasper got up and grabbed (y/n)'s hand, who also grabbed my hand. My face heated up as she held onto my hand as Jasper lead me and her to a canoe. "Get in!" Jasper said smiling at me and (y/n), mainly her. Jasper helped (y/n) get in then me. He got after both of us and sat across from (y/n). I started a conversation with (y/n) as Jasper glared daggers at me. What is his problem? We arrived at Spooky Island. It was extremely foggy so all of us had trouble getting out of the canoe. Jasper held onto (y/n)'s hand making me jealous. "I have a little treehouse around here, we can all stay there." Jasper explained walking into the forest. (Y/n) grabbed onto my hand, "Keep up." She said smiling. I kept up with their place so (y/n) wouldnt be dragging me the entire time.

Time skip to when you are all in the treehouse

We found the treehouse awhile ago, (y/n) was tired so she fell asleep on Jaspers small blanket. Me and Jasper just sat in awkward silence, " Can I talk to you about (y/n)?" Jasper asked looking at me. "Sure" Jasper sat up straight. "I've liked (y/n) ever since I first started hanging out with her, so dont try to do anything with her. And dont think that she'll fall in love with you or something like that, cause she wont." Jasper layed down next to (y/n) and fell asleep. I was in for one hell of a rollercoaster with him.

Once again another "great" story by yours truly. Sorry this oneshot sucked :(. I was being lazy and I wanted to make a part 2, so, yeah. Please request more stories so I'm not bored during the summer. Be safe and dont choke on air like I did :D


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