Nikki x Male! reader

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This story was requested by Campcamptrash123

  Nikki has always been such a good friend to me but I have always wanted to be more. But I think Nikki has a thing for Ered, even though Ered treats Nikki poorly. It's sad, I don't think Nikki realizes that Ered doesnt care about her, like at all. I try to tell Nikki that Ered doesnt care, but Nikki would just call me crazy. Nikki is chasing the wrong person.

  For the past week Nikki has been ignoring everyone who disagrees with the fact that Ered is "cool" ( reader, max and Neil) It hurts, I've been trying to talk to Nikki but nothing seems to work. Not even offering going on an adventure will get her to budge. I love her so much, I dont want to lose her to someone who treats her like shit, while I treat as she should be treated, like a Queen.

Today was saturday, so we could do whatever we wanted to do. I just wanted to get Nikki back, and that's what I plan on doing, but I dont know how. Maybe for now I can just hang out with someone else instead of Max and Neil. Maybe Nerris, she seems cool, and plus I've always wanted to see her "castle" I want to know how she made it.

I think about it and decide I will hang out with Nerris. I fix my hair a bit so it doesnt look like i just woke up, cause i did. I put on my favorite (f/c) hoodie and my regular black jeans. I walk out of my tent to see Nerris just sitting at the top of her "castle". She looks sad, I walk up to her suprisingly tall castle and look up at the top. "NERRIS, YOU OKAY?" I shout worried about her. I see her small head peak out from edge of the castle. I smile and wave at her. Her small head disappears from the edge and I hear footsteps coming from inside the castle. She walks out of the castle's door and has a smile on her face, it's funny how her emotions can change in seconds. "Hello, (y/n) what brings you here to my magical castle?" I giggle a little and explain to her that I just wanted to hang out since I was a little sad about Nikki ignoring me. Nerris understood and let me inside her castle. It was actually nice inside, it didnt look tacky.

  "So what would you like to do today, sir (y/n)?" Nerris asked me with a genuine smile, her braces shining brightly. I laugh, I didnt really know what I wanted to do I guess I just want to go on an adventure or talk. Maybe go on an adventure. "Would you like to go on an adventure, Nerris the cute?" I ask trying to keep a straight face. I've never realized how nice and funny Nerris can be. "Of course I would, sir (y/n)" Nerris responds while walking out of her castle, with me following her like a lost puppy. Nerris was walking a little to fast and I couldnt keep up. "Geez, you're so slow!" Nerris grabs my hand gently and drags me away into the forest. I see Nikki from the corner of my eye before I disappear into the forest with Nerris.

Nikki's POV

I was walking around with Ered, she was so cool, but she has been a little mean to me lately. I was getting bored and let me eyes wondered until they landed on (y/n) being dragged into the forest by Nerris. I fell kinda jealous, it's usually me dragging (y/n) into the forest to go on adventures. Was he doing this to get me jealous, no, (y/n) isnt like that right?

  Time skip to a couple hours later
Its night time

  (Y/n) and Nerfis arent back yet, maybe they are back but I just didnt see them. I'll check (y/n) tent, maybe him and Max are talking. (You share a tent with Max btw) I walk to (y/n)'s tent but only to see Max and Neil cuddling, they are sooo gay for each other.(sorry I had to) But still (y/n) wasnt here, maybe he's with Nerris in her castle. I walk to Nerris's castle but the doors were closed and it was quiet. I sigh and sit on the dock by myself. I regret ignoring (y/n), this is all Ered's fault for being so cool! I hear giggling and whispering behind me. I turn around and see (y/n) and Nerris walking together with twigs and leaves tangled in their hair. Nerris has (y/n)'s hoodie on too. He never offered me his hoodie, so why Nerris. But why should I care, not like i like (y/n) anyways, right? I see (y/n) and Nerris say their goodbyes and part their separate ways. I quickly get up and walk towards (y/n).

(Y/n)'s POV

  I had so much fun with Nerris, I never knew how fun she could be until today. I was walking towards my tent when I hear someones footsteps from behind me. I turn around and see Nikki walking up to me. She looked mad and sad at the same time. Nikki was face to face with me and she was staring at me. It was intimidating. "Uh h-hi" I awkwardly say to Nikki. "What were you and Nerris doing?" She asks with a blank face. "Nothing, why?" I respond looking down to her. "What do you mean, "nothing" you guys were Obviously doing something if you were out all day." She looked like she was on the verge of tears. "We were just hanging out," I tell her honestly. "Then why did you give her your favorite hoodie?" She asks tears rolling down her cheek. "S-she was cold, Nikki are you okay?" I ask putting my hands on her shoulders. "N-no, you're my best friend! Not Nerris's" she kinda yells. I felt a pain in my heart, "best friend" does she not understand that I love her more than a best friend. "Nikki, Nerris is just a friend, but no one can ever replace you even if they tried! I love you Nikki-" I cut myself off and stare at Nikki.

  Nikki's POV

  He said he loved me? Did I hear him right? I'm confused, maybe if I kiss him I'll know. Oh well never know if you dont try. I grab (y/n)'s face so his is same height as mine. I smash my lips onto his, and wow when I say that felt amazing, it felt amazing. (Y/n) kisses back and ,wow, he is a great kisser. I pull back needing air.

(Y/n)'s POV

  "Woaaaaaaah" is all that came out of Nikki's mouth. I laugh and hug her tight, but not to tight. She also laughs. I walk into my tent still holding Nikki, from the corner of my eye I see Max and Neil cuddling. They are soooo gay. I put he down on my bed and I cuddle her. "(Y/n) what are you doing?" Nikki asks me giggling. "Cuddling you, Obviously." I smiled. She laughs and wraps her arms around my neck. I keep my arms wrapped around her small waist and both of us falls asleep. This was nice.

WOOOOOOOO another "great story" by yours truly (this sucked) but please request more stories so I'm not bored during the summer.
Please be safe and dont choke on air.


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