Neil x Female!Reader

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Okay I'm just gonna say it now, I'm extremely disappointed in this oneshot, sorry
In this oneshot everyone is aged up
Max and Neil -- 15
Reader -- 16
Nikki -- 14

Neil's POV

This week Preston was doing another play on Romeo and Juliet since the last one didnt go as planned. The play was on a saturday so nobody wanted to do it, but David said we have to. I think it's stupid, last time it was an obvious flop.

"Come on Max, it cant be that bad, besides we probably wont get parts considering what happened last time." (Y/n) explained picking at her food. She never eats, "Eat your food, you're going to starve." I tell her, she just looks at me with a smile and nods. She eats a bit of her mashed potatoes and a bit of her salad.

"Hello fellow campers! I decided to hand out your scripts for the play today so you can start rehearsing your lines so the play is perfect!!" Preston said handing out me, Nikki, Max and (y/n) little 3 sheet packets of paper except (y/n), she had 6 pages. "Uh Preston why do I have six pages?" (Y/n) asked looking through the pages. "Oh, my dear (y/n) you will be Juliet! Me and you have the most lines in all of the play!" Preston said staring at (y/n). He was making me feel uncomfortable, why was he staring at her like that? "Oh, what role do you have?" (Y/n) asked. "I have the role of Romeo of course!" Preston gleamed. Wait, does that mean him and (y/n) have to kiss? Preston walked away happily and everyone at our table stared at (y/n). "What?" She asked innocently. "You know you being Juliet and Preston being Romeo that means you guys have to kiss, right?" Max asked while smirking.

(Y/n)'s POV

"Wait, I have to kiss him!?!" I ask Max while looking through the script to see if there was any mentioning of a kiss. "Yup" Max answered playing with his food. I finally found a page where it clearly stated i have to kiss him. I start hyperventilating, I dont like Preston, I only see him as a friend.
I've never kissed someone before, how am I going to do this. What if i freeze up and ruin the whole thing and Preston hates me? "H-hey, (y/n), are you okay, you're hyperventilating." Neil asks me while putting his hand on my back. I blush and nod. I've always had a little crush on Neil, I mean he is such a dork and it's so cute! When he gets mad he looks so adorable. And he is so nice. I start controlling my breathing so my breathing is steady. I pick up my tray and my script and throw away the food. I smile at Neil, Max and Nikki before I go to my tent to question my existence.

Preston's POV

I'm so excited for the play, it's going to be perfect. I'm especially excited about the part where me and (y/n) kiss, I mean, sure I'm kinda forcing it on her but it's my only chance to get this one quick kiss. Besides I think (y/n) likes Neil so I only have this one chance. I gave Nikki and Max small roles of people just standing by, I didnt give Neil a role I just gave him paper. I dont want him interfering.

Time skip to later on tonight

Neil's POV

(Y/n) has been in her tent all day, she hasnt eaten lunch or dinner so I'm going to check on her. Max and Nikki were messing around with David and Gwen so I can sneak a little bit of food to (y/n). I see light coming from her tent so I assume she is awake. I walk towards her tent with the small plate of food, but I see Preston walk out with a smile on his face. I glare at him and peek through the tent flaps to see (y/n) sitting on her bed looking though a different script, this script was 1 page. "H-hey, (y/n) mind if I c-come in, I brought f-food." I say to (y/n) while blushing. She looks up at me and smiles and nods. Her smile is so beautiful. "Uh, I actually wanted to talk to you about something." She says while putting her script away. I say a quick, "okay" and sit next to her on her bed. "Okay so did you see Preston walk out of my tent a minute ago?" I nod and hand her the plate of food. "He was in here because I didnt like that I had the role of juliet, so i talked it out with Preston and he said i could have a small role as an extra. I was happy because I didnt have to do the kissing scene with Preston, but I had to give him a quick kiss just so I could have a different role. I didnt like the kiss, it felt wrong, I like someone else and I was hoping that person would be my first kiss. But i guess not." I get jealous of Preston for being able to steal (y/n)s first kiss. "Who do you like anyways?" I ask while (y/n) starts eating the food I brought her.

(Y/n)'s POV

Should I tell him that I like him, it's either now or never. "Uh, i actually like you, like alot." I say while putting the food Neil brought me on my nightstand. I look at Neil and he was just staring at me, I messed up. "I'm sorry Neil, I hope this doesnt ruin our friendship." He is still staring at me, is he really that uninterested in me? "N-neil?" I ask while waving my hand in the front of his face. He flinches and holds my face, he was staring me right in the eyes, its intimidating. He starts pulling my face closer until we are only centimeters apart.

Neil's POV

HOLY SHIT, IM ACTUALLY DOING THIS. I put my lips on hers and it felt amazing. There was butterflies in my stomach and my cheeks felt like fucking fire. She kissed back. She wrapped her arms around my neck. It felt nice. She pulls away needing air and she looked so happy, she was just smiling. I awkwardly smile and she hugs me, she put her head on my chest. I hug her back, "Your heart is beating really fast." She tells me while closing her eyes. I laugh and lay down on her bed with her still in my arms. I cuddle her and turn off her lamp so we can sleep.

WOOOOOOOOO another "great" story by yours truly. Thank you, everyone for all the support for this oneshot, love you all! Please request me stories so I'm not bored during the summer, please. A Max x Ghost Reader will be coming out soon, stay tuned! Dont choke on air like I did and be safe!


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