Max x Mute!Reader

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This oneshot was requested by @MiniAphmauShipper
Max and Neil are 14
Nikki is 13
Reader is 14

Pikeman's POV

  Me, Snake and Petrol were planning on kidnapping one of Camp Campbell's campers, we all decided on leaving Jeremy for uh, obvious reasons. I tried reasoning with the Flower Scouts to see if they could help us on our mission, but no avail. They were going to the spa or something.

"Wood Scouts, tonight we put or plan to take over Camp Campbell into action! We will kidnap a camper and when David, or preferably Gwen, notices, we shall trade their camper in turn for control over the camp!" I say walking to a boat along side Petrol and Snake. As we get in a take out my (cheap) binoculars to see if any campers were outside their tents. There was only a girl on top of tacky castle talking to some boy along with nikki (*cough* reference to other oneshot *cough*)
They dont look worthy enough to be kidnapped by the Wood Scouts (oof)

Soon enough we arrive on land and make our way to David's cabin to see if he was up doing paperwork. I peek through the window to see David cuddling a girl in bed (*cough* another reference *cough*)

"Petrol, stay here and let me know if David or that strange girl wake up. Snake, you come with me." I start creeping towards the tents with Snake close behind. All the tents were quiet except for one, there was dim light coming from a tent. I step closer towards the tent peeking through the ever so slightly opened tent flap. It was Max, that little shit, he will have to do since he is the closest and third smallest. Neil was asleep so we needed to be quiet. I go over to a tree and break off a bulky branch. I walk back to the tent. "I hit him, he passes out, then you help me take his body to the boat." Snake nods and backs away from the tent. I take a deep breath in and run into the tent swinging the bulky branch towards the small boys head. I hear a thud and see the small boy on the ground beside the bed. I dropped the branch and stared at him. 

That was surprisingly easy. Snake comes up from behind me and helps me pick up Max. All we needed to do now was take this little shit to the boat, get Petrol and leave. 

Time skip 

We had Max tied up in a chair, it was 6:30 in the morning, David, Gwen and the strange girl David was cuddling should wake up soon. 

Me, Snake and Petrol were sitting in silence around Max waiting. Thud. Me and Petrol look around to see Snake face forward on the ground. "What the fuck, where am I." We look to see Max barely waking up with a small bump on the side of his head. 

I was about to answer when a heavy weight hit the side of my head and everything went black.

Max's POV 

Okay, so strawberry face and Snake were passed out and Petrol left as soon as strawberry boy hit the ground. "I know you're here, just show yourself." I say trying to untie myself. I finally gave up and waited in silence until the ropes around me suddenly fell to the ground. I stand up to see a girl with (e/c) eyes and (h/c) hair dragging two unconscious boys to two seperate beds.

"Who the fuck are you?!?" The girl just walks past me. She walked out of the tent and stopped at a canoe on the shoreline. I followed her out and she just stares at me with a lazy glare. She pointed at me and then the boat. She waited a few seconds before gently grabbing my hand and sat me in the boat.

"W-whats your name?" She ignored me as she started pushing the canker further into the shallow water. "Can you speak?" She shook her head and pointed to two ores beside me on the ground.

She pushed the canoe far enough for me to barely see her with all the fog. "T-thanks stranger." I yell as I use the ores to get me back to camp.

Time skip

I made it back to camp awhile ago, when I came back I just slept for 5 minutes and woke up to Neil telling me about a new camper coming soon.

"Yeah, I heard that shes mute or something, do you think she likes science?" Neil asked playing with his food. I just shrugged, maybe it will be that girl that basically saved my ass from strawberry boy.


okay now that I vented, i wanted to thank you for reading this crappy oneshot by me. Request are closed for now they will be open in a month or something. Also yesterday was my birthday uwu.My summer depression ended and now school stress may begin. Love you all and dont choke on air.


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