Max x David's sister

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This oneshot was requested by MiniAphmauShipper

Also everyone is aged up
Max and neil are 13
Nikki is 12


Your older brother David was a camp counselor at a camp called Camp Campbell, but you have never been.
Your mom just said you werent old enough, until now I guess.

You were turning 13 this year so your mom thought you were mature enough to go see your brother for the summer. This made you excited because last summer when David came back from camp he told me about all the fun hikes, activities and all the interesting Campers there.

David told you the Camp was basically a "camp camp" so you guessed it meant there were other camps with in the camp. You love art, in your room there was nothing but canvases and acrylic paints every where.

You were packing your clothes a pen and a tiny sketch book for the bus ride. You also brought a couple of books, mainly Stephen King. And your ipod it had all your favorite songs on it there is no way you could go the entire summer without it.

Your mom called you down for breakfast before you leave on the bus for camp camp. It tasted great, you just hoped the food at camp tastes like this.

time skip to when you are on the bus

It was silent on the bus, you were the only kid in there. The entire time you were reading Stephen King's IT by now you were only done with 1/4 of the book.

The bus was starting to pull up into the camp driveway when the driver didnt slow down and David was running towards the bus. "STOP THE BUS!" you yelled. The head master shook his head, basically saying no.
The bus ended up hitting David and you held onto your book running up to the bus door. "OPEN THE GOD DAMN DOOR ASSHAT" you yelled at the head master. He opened the doors and you ran out to see if David was okay. From the corner of your eye you see three other people about your age staring at you.

Max's POV

David ran towards the bus again and he got hit by the bus again. Hes a fucking idiot. When the bus came almost complete stop I could see a girl about my age yelling something at the head master. When the doors opened she ran to David. She was very pretty, she had (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. She also had a book in her hand. She helped David up and awkwardly smiled at Me, Nikki and Neil.

David looked at her and hugged her super tight. She looked like she couldn't breathe. "I cant fucking breathe David" she said in between gasp for air. David put her down and smiled at me, Nikki and Neil.

"I forgot to tell this is my sweet little sister (y/n)! (Y/n) say hi!" David said looking at (y/n). She looked at me and I could feel my cheeks heat up. (Y/n) awkwardly waved at everyone with a fake smile with her book behind her back.

She looked exteremely uncomfortable. I felt kinda bad for her.

"Well campers let's show (y/n) around!"

Time skip to when David is telling you who your tent mate is

No ones POV

David finished showing (y/n) around with Max, Nikki and Neil.

"Okay (y/n) you will be sharing a tent with nikki! Nikki please make (y/n) feel at home." David said looking at Nikki. This made Max kinda mad and jealous of Nikki but he didnt know why.

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