First Meeting. Chapter 1.

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My name is katie holt but now i go as Pidge. Im a delinquent hacker, I'm mostly just the brains in the gang but i can fight. I try to keep away from full fights and just go to knock them out since i really dont wanna turn into a full fighter. 

I was a normal happy smart girl, i would ware dress's and have long hair before but now i had short hair and ware boy clothes. I act like a boy and everyone in my new school really thinks I'm a guy, even my teachers think I'm a guy. I'm glad since i wanted everyone to see me as a normal male student called pidge but changing in the boys locker room is hard.

I bet you wonder have a girly girl became a hacker delinquent since it is a big jump to do. Well it started about two years ago. My father was kidnapped by terroirs who tortured him for info about the secret weapons he was working on for our government. They tortured him for a full week and since he wouldn't talk they shot it, they sent us a video of everything they done to him. Matt was the one who opened the letter with the CD inside and we played, my mother called the cops and the news made it look like he died in a car accident since the work he was doing was a huge secret. It was hard but i coped, i wont break not while i still have my brother and mother but that soon changed. Matt dream finally came true and he was invited to the collage of his dream and to be an assistant at NASA. After telling him to go live his dream and to worry and me or mother he left. He still called everyday and texted non stop. It made me laugh because it felt like he was still home even tho he was so far away. 

But my mother heath was not going well, i noticed how depressed she was when matt still lived with us but matt said she needs time to heal after father so i stayed silent. But now she was going crazy and would even hit me. After her sixth suicide attempt in one month they took her to a care home. I was left at home alone, i started a part time job for food and bills but the boss would only pay me half since i was only 12. Matt came and visit and i told him mother was in a care home but not to worry since she seemed happy and her old self their. Matt hang with me all weekend and when it was time for him to leave he said he would come back or stay home if i needed him but how could i pull him away from his dream so i lied and said i was fine. 

A month later our mother hang herself in the care home, the doctor told me she was two weeks pregnant and i asked him to keep it a secret since that would just break matt. Matt came for the funeral and was demanding that he move back home and get a job to look after me but i lied again. I said i would be moving into my friend house since their family offered and i kept lying until he went back to his dream. A week after the funeral i lost the house, i lost everything but i kept lying to matt so he could live happy. 

I bought a small old flat that was on the second floor and in the far corner with my parents savings. I sent most of the savings to matt to help him and said i half it so he wont feel bad. I quit my job since the boss annoyed me and that how it all started. I saw a gang mug someone and took a photo. 

"give me half or i send this to the cops" i smirked shocking the two gangsters and that how i was making money. That how i made my new living, i work out all the best places to mug someone or  for gangsters to deal with their side work. It was going well and some tried to follow me home but i would always lose them and then head home. During the forth month of this new fun work i was asked to meet the leader of the gang i keep robbing. At first he laughed at his men for being out smarted by a little girl but after hearing how money he lost to this little girl he went pale. "why dont we make a deal" i ask shocking him and his gang. "a deal" he asked. "let me join your gang, i need the money and you need my brains" i smiled and he thought for a bit. "deal but once your in their no turning back" he warned and i shook his hand. 

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