Cancel. Chapter 3.

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"hey matt" hunk yelled with a grin as Pidge answered her phone. "pass the weed" lance joked next to pidge who just rolled her eyes. "no way, you guys got weed pass it over" Matt laughed over the phone making the other two boys laugh along, matt was on speaker since Pidge knew her friends would talk first. "sure you take the weed and we keep the strippers" Pidge smirked. "no fair" Matt pouted making them laugh again. 

"well lance and hunk may I talk with pidge alone, hope you two boys are doing well" Matt said with a kind voice. "go ahead and take him, we dont want him back" lance laughed. "we doing fine, speak with you tomorrow" hunk smiled and Pidge took the phone of speaker. 

"did he say him" Matt asked but pidge already had him of speaker and by her ear on low volume. "nah you misheard" Pidge lied since her brother dont know she faking being a boy now. "sorry I couldn't call yesterday, after doing so many non sleep nights I never charged my phone and by yesterday when we could go home I just slept all day" matt said with worry. "its fine dont worry, you need to look after yourself better" Pidge said with worry. "you know what work like, we never know how a protect will go or if we need to stay longer hours for it" Matt laughed. "just dont over work yourself, I dont want to find out that your gotten sick or worse" Pidge frowned. "dont worry I wont get that bad, so how school" Matt said with a little joy and worry.

"its going well, I'm still one of the smartest kids in school and James still bugs me but I'm good" Pidge smiled. "well that James guy is a jerk but I been thinking maybe he likes you, you know like how the boy bullies the girl he likes" Matt giggled and Pidge knew that be impossible since they all think she a dude. "nope he just hates me" Pidge sighed and matt laughed. "how did you project go since you only got to sleep yesterday" Pidge asked. "well its done and the base be trying it out next week but I have been given a couple days off" matt said happy.

"who is pidge talking with" Keith asked as he sat down at the table. "oh his big brother who lives far away since he works for NASA, they normally call each other around this time since that the only time they can talk but sometimes matt to busy with work and cant call for days, they meet up doing long holidays but lately he not been able to meet for a year now I think" Lance said with a friend. "pidge acts brave for his brother so he wouldn't worry but pidge is missing him" hunk frowned. 

"well done, when do you want to meet up this holiday" Pidge asked a little excited. "um about that, I dont know if I be able to make it since I be sent on a mission but dont worry its safe and shiro be protecting me if need be" Matt quickly said and Pidge got a little disappoint. "no worries we just meet up during summer, good luck on your mission" Pidge said trying to sound normal so her brother wont worry. "sorry sis but I help build that robot in summer to make up for it" Matt said with worry. "dont worry, anyway I speak with you tomorrow I need to eat lunch" Pidge said with a small smile. "have a good day and call me if something happens" matt smiled.

"love ya dork" Pidge giggled. "love ya my little geek" Matt laughed and they hang up. 

"so did he cancel this Christmas again" Lance said with worry. "yeah he going on a mission, it seems we wont be able to meet until summer unless he cancel that" Pidge said with a frown and started eating. "wait why cant he meet during Easter, that a two week holiday" hunk said confused and lance glared at him. "he going on holiday with his girlfriend during Easter, he hoping to ask her to marry him" Pidge sighed and played with her food. "but dont his girlfriend hate you for some reason, he marries her then I'm sure he never be able to meet with you again, he might even have to stop calling you" hunk said with worry and Pidge got more depressed. "nice going" Keith hissed and rolled his eyes. "I'm sure he still meet up and hang with you doing long holidays pidge, your still his brother, bros before hoes" Lance said with a small smile and patted Pidge back. "bros before hoes, that the best you could come up with" Keith said with worry and Lance just nervous laughed. "I be fine, if he happy then I'm happy and I know we wouldn't be able to meet up all our life's, he an adult now so he cant keep revolving his life around me, its time I grow up and let him life his live his way" Pidge said bravely. 

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