Deal. Chapter 6.

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The sleep over went well, they watching films, snack, joked and chatted most of the night before they all passed out. Pidge acted like nothing was wrong and just enjoyed her time with her friends. 

Once everyone was awake they got dressed and met up with matt, shiro and Beth. They did some shopping to cheer Beth up before they went to go watch spider man. The day was going great and everyone was enjoying themselves. But sadly matt and shiro had to leave to get ready for the important meeting and Pidge noticed a certain name in the group of people matt would be meeting with for work. Since pidge didnt want to be the ones to hurt her brother directly she had to play dirty and made a certain phone call.

She had to make a deal with the Devil. 

And it cost her life. 

But to pidge it was worth it. 

Pidge, lance and keith picked their bags up from hunk house before heading to their own homes and promised to see each other at school on Monday. Pidge knew she wouldn't be getting any sleep since she had to hunt down old gang members and save them. It was pitch black and she been running from old safe zones to another hoping to find them all. Pidge ran down a street since didnt have to care about hiding her identify since most would be asleep or home. 

"Katie" keith yelled making her stop running and turn to the boy on the opposite street. "keith" pidge said with a small smile and the boy crossed over. "why are you out so late, I didnt think you had to do the gang tonight" keith said with worry. "I'm doing something else, maybe you can help" Pidge said with hope. "what you need" Keith asked and Pidge bought out her phone showing pictures of ten older men. "we need to find these ten before 7am tomorrow or they gonna be killed" Pidge warned knowing its dangerous and would understand if keith didnt wanna get involve. "I help but I wont be running alone since I got no clue where to find them, mind if I jog with you" Keith smiled and Pidge nodded. It was around midnight now and they kept running from one spot to another. They only had two more people to find and Pidge could glad rest without worry over her old gang members being killed. 

Since the last one they found them told Pidge they hang in a small pub the two was only walking and chatting to the place. They both could happily sleeping the path but they knew they couldn't stop, not yet. So they just chatted trying to stay away and soon reached outside the pub but as pidge was gonna reach for the door a certain voice called her. 

"pidge" matt yelled with worry and she turned to see her brother, shiro and lotor with beth hanging on his arm outside a small hotel and Pidge knew she was fucked. "dont let him see your face, he kill us all" Pidge warned Keith who just nodded and stayed by the pub while pidge walked over. "pidge what were you doing going into a pub with a stranger" matt said with worry. "its not what you think" pidge said lifting her hands up. "oh really" shiro said as he crossed his arms. "one of the students from my school went to meet their dad who left them long ago in that pub, we covered for them but since the old teacher should be returning from her trip early morning we came to warn him to head back" Pidge lied and matt looked at her. "oh look at you looking out for others, I'm so proud of you" Matt smiled and pinched pidge cheek with a grin. "how come you two are here, I thought you were staying at another hotel" Pidge said with worry since this couldn't get any worse. "this is were we just had out meeting, meet lotor he the son of guy we should have met but it seemed he was busy" shiro said with a kind smile and lotor held his hand out with a smirk. "nice to meet you" lotor smirked and pidge knew he was loving this. "nice to meet you" Pidge smiled and gripped his hand a little tighter then normal then her eyes travelled to Beth who was dressed up and still hanging of lotor other arm. 

"dont" matt said with a weak smile as he noticed who his sister was looking at, Pidge could see how heart broken her brother was and just smiled at him. "well its getting late, you better head home since a storm coming" Pidge smiled since it really was meant to rain later. "she right it was lovely to meet you all and I talk to my father about this plan" Lotor smiled and matt nodded before shaking his hands again. 

"oh right pidge, we be heading back a little early" shiro said with a kind smile as he looked to matt then to Beth who didnt seem to care that she was found cheating. "a little early but your leaving at 8am right" Pidge asked. "ah no we have to go back tonight and be catching the 2am plain back home, sorry" matt said with a smile and hugged his sister. "I see, well good luck at work and take care" pidge smiled. "I miss you and just call if something happens, your big brother come running with shiro so he could fight the pricks" matt said with a grin and kissed his sister cheek. "just look at these guns" Pidge giggled and shiro gave her a hug. "take care and I call you tomorrow about this all" Shiro smiled as he was hinting to what happened with matt and Beth. "sure, bye" Pidge smiled and waved at the two who got in the car. 

"let go of me you slut becuase I cut those skinny arms" lotor warned Beth who looked at him shocked. "you heard him ya bitch, get lost before you end up dead" Pidge said giving Beth a death stare. "what but you picked me specially for tonight, you promised to make me your girl" Beth yelled. "why would I chose you, now get lost or get killed" lotor hissed and Beth ran away.

"so little pidge dose have family a brother it seems" Lotor grinned. "touch him and you get killed" Pidge warned with a dangerous look in her eyes. "oh I wouldn't touch him, he a important person in NASA I wouldn't be able to get away with it if I killed him" Lotor said with a smirk. "well I find you before the law dose" Pidge smirked and was about to walk away but lotor grabbed her arm. 

"that was a dirty trick you used, I'm sure you brother heart would shatter to learn this was all his sister doing" Lotor smirked. "and yet he never know .. right" Pidge hissed. "I wont tell as long as you keep your half of the deal" Lotor grinned. "I wont go back on my word after all you did bring Beth as your date for me" Pidge said with a grin. "you truly are a dangerous person, most would hide the secret to protect their family from this life and yet you made sure he saw her cheating to make sure he was cut from this life, but what would you do If truly liked this Beth and your brother went crazy with anger trying to hit me .. he would have been killed and yet you took the chance" Lotor said pointing out the facts. "I knew my brother keep a cool head during work meetings and I knew you didnt like her anymore then a sex friend" Pidge said and started to walk away. "everything you need be left in the base after midnight tomorrow night, dont forget to pick up and meet me Tuesday night" Lotor grinned and walked away. "I wont forget" Pidge hissed and walked over to keith. 

"you ok" keith said with worry. "yeah, thanks for staying hidden" Pidge smiled and hugged her friend. "anytime, now lets go save the last two" Keith smiled and opened the door for her. As they warned the last two to stay hidden and dont do anything tomorrow night. Keith and Pidge walked back out and started walking. Keith noticing something wrong with Pidge picked her up before running to his single flat and laying her on his sofa. 

"what the hell keith" Pidge yelled as she sat up on his sofa. "you can stay here tonight, you dont need to tell me what deal you made with lotor but I be here for you" Keith said not looking at pidge and walked into another room before throwing her a blanket. "thanks" Pidge weakly smiled as tears fell and she covered herself so he couldn't see her cry. "I always be right here, pidge" Keith smiled and laid next to her on the sofa just holding her as she cried. The two feel asleep all cuddled up on the sofa that night and Pidge was glad not to be alone. 

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