School. Chapter 2.

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"sup pidge" Lance grinned as he and hunk walked over to her in front of the school. "hey guys" pidge smiled and waved a little. "did you finally sleep for once, you seem more happy" hunk asked with a kind smile. "pof eh, I'm always happy" pidge said waving her hand in front of her making the other two guys smirk. "Pidge my favourite dude, who the girl" lance smirked and put his arm around pidge who they still think is a dude. "girl" Pidge asked. "or guy if you swing that way its fine but something made you look way more happy then any technology"  hunk grinned and stood closer to pidge. "oh come on you know i dont bother with love" Pidge laughed.

"so who is this person" lance whisper with a smirk in pidge ear and she suddenly remember the wild beast making her blush. "he really dose like someone" hunk smiled and jump on the spot a little. "no way, our guy is finally growing up" lance laughed. "shut it" Pidge blushed and covered her face with her hands to hide her blush. "so what their name, do we know them, is it a boy or girl" hunk smiled as the three started to walk inside school. "not telling" Pidge said embarrassed and the other two pouted. 

"wait what do we have first" lance asked since he never pays attention to his time table and is super lucky he always got the same class's with hunk. "PE, you joining today or will you act an injury" hunk asked with a grin and turned to pidge. "nah i join, i cant be bothered to act today and dont we just have basketball today, i wont miss that" pidge said with a grin. 

"well wanna go over and change now before someone tried to steal your spot or tries to pull you pants down again" lance said with worries since everyone thinks pidge is a guy but some like to tease him=her saying she a girl and plays pranks on her when they all change. Lucky for pidge she use the corner locker in the changing room and the door hides her and she always got a black vest on with a pair of male boxes over her normal pants to try and hide her true gender. But sadly some steal try to pull her clothes of or try and rip them making her naked, lucky for her they always failed since she a quick changer and the door on lets one person get near her. But since it been a close call a couple times lance and hunk use the locker next to her stopping the other guys going near her. Pidge had thought about telling her friends she a girl but decide its best not to tell them plus she doesn't want them feeling embarrassed about her seeing them in their boxes twice a week. 

The three reach the changing room and notice a new boy already changing. Now pidge got use to not look or stare since she is a girl and if her secret gets out they might feel bad or grossed out for her seeing their boxes so she walks straight to her locker that in behind the other guy. "wait do we really have basketball today" lance asked as we all changed. "yep, we always have it the first lesson on the second week unless sir ill then we have stupid football" Pidge sighed. "you gonna keep stealing the ball from James" hunk asked with a grin since James is the leader of the group of guys who enjoy making pidge school life hell. He often trips her, tips things over her, call her names, make fun, throw stuff at her and well you heard what he tried or got others to do in the changing room, so during basketball pidge use her small eight to keep stealing the ball from him and scoring points, even if he place on her team she steals the ball. "yes its my only joy" Pidge smirked and they heard the bell go and a couple minutes later more guys came in. 

"ready to head in the gym .... Pidge" hunk started to ask with a smile but soon got worried when pidge locker was closed and she was gone. "dude, he already going" Lance pointed to the top of their lockers where she was crawling. "see you in the gym" Pidge smirked and kept crawling on top of the lockers until she reached the door. "he is so embarrassing and yet so smart to think of doing that instead of zig zag through this crowd" hunk laughed. "lets just get to the gym" Lance smiled and the two headed over. 

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