Chapter 4 ~ Under Attack

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Slowly shifting so that they were sitting on their bed, Y/N smiled weakly at Wanda, as she walked into the apartment.

"Hey." Y/N greeted.

"You alright Y/N?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"You disappeared at breakfast, and then you slept almost half the day away."

"Sorry about that, I was just feeling sick."

She narrowed her eyes at me, "You don't look sick".

"Oh, I-I'm feeling better now.", "God, I hate lying".

"What was that?"

"Oh, er... I... nothing."

"Oh, ok. I have training now, do you want to hang out later?"

"Yeah, sure. I've got a lot of lab work to catch up on, beforehand, after sleeping nearly all day."

She smiled, turning back towards the door, "Ok, see you later Y/N".

"Bye Wanda", Y/N said, sighing.

"Well, that went well, didn't?", Y/N thought sarcastically, sliding off the bed and walking downstairs to their lab.


A few hours later Y/N was still in their lab, working hard once again on Test 45-B, now Test 57.

"JARVIS, run the same process again, but use the third module instead".

"Of course Mx L/N, the process may take up to 1 hour. Mr Stark has asked me to inform that the Avengers have been called on a mission, and are unlikely to return until late tomorrow evening"

"Yeah, yeah, thanks JARVIS", Y/N replied, not looking up, and offhandedly waving at the ceiling.

Y/N sighed, they were a little annoyed no one had been up to tell them about the mission in person, especially from Wanda, since they were supposed to be hanging out later today.

"Their mission is much more important than you, they don't need to get permission from you to go on a mission, you selfish idiot".

Y/N heard the light sound of some liquid hitting some files on the table in front of me, looking down as Y/N raised a hand to their face, realising they'd been crying. Quickly wiping them away, Y/N turned back to their work.


A loud explosion, somewhere below them, threw Y/N out of their concentration on Test 57's progress, the shockwave sending a rack of glass test tubes to fall off a shelf and a full pen pot to clatter to the floor. "JARVIS!? What the hell is going on?"

"An explosion of unknown origin has triggered my sensors on floors 53 & 54, Mx L/N, I am picking up five unidentified heat signatures on those levels also. I must assume the building is currently under siege."

"JARVIS, activate all lockdown protocols and open a secure video call with Tony, NOW!", I shouted, frantically pushing Test 57 back into its pressurised container, sending it back to storage and locking them down.

"Immediately Mx L/N. Lockdown Protocols 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are now active. I have lost contact with floors 53 & 54. Requesting a Secure Video Transmission with Mr Stark now"

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