Chapter 5 ~ Lost Contact

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JARVIS' familiar British tone rang out through the Avengers' Quinjet's comms, "Sir, Mx /L/N has requested a Secure Video Transmission Link, with yourself."

Pulling himself away from the Quinjet's controls and childishly spinning round once in his chair, Tony Stark replied to his AI, "Put them through J."

"Of course Sir, as per Lockdown Protocols 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5, I must also inform you said protocols are currently in effect."


"Secure Video Transmission Link is now Open."

Tony turned to the screen, concern washing over him, "Y/N what's going on!"

"Tony, the Tower's under attack! Floor 53 and 54, JARVIS has lost contact. I think they're on their way up to the labs."

By now the rest of the team had crowded themselves round the Quinjet's monitor, "Don't worry Dr L/N we on our way", Captain America spoke out. Although, his authoritative voice fell on deaf ears, as another explosion was heard through the monitor's speakers.

"Shit Tony, anytime now!"

"Step on it J."

"Increasing Power to all Engines." JARVIS calmly replied.

"Tony, I think they're trying to cut through the door!"

"JARVIS, activate the tower's interior defen-", then the monitor blurred, and went to black, "What, JARVIS reopen the call!"

"I have regretfully lost all connection with the Avengers Tower, Sir."

"Shit, shit, SHIT!" Tony cried out, slamming his fist down onto one of the jets control panels. The other avengers looked at him, worried. Wanda's head was down, she was silent.

Wanda looked up suddenly, "Doesn't the Tower have defences?"

"The defences were remotely shut down. Miss Maximoff" JARVIS answered.

"How's that even possible, Stark," Natasha said.

"I don't know, it shouldn't be." Tony replied, rubbing a hand over his face, a Wanda started to shake.

"Wanda, what's wrong?"

"I'm just worried about Y/N, they're on their own. And they were feeling unwell, Nat"

Nat smiled sympathetically, pulling Wanda into a quick embrace, "They're pretty smart, they'll be able to handle themselves."


Tony had to land the Quinjet in the nearby park opposite, as the Tower's landing pad had been damaged in one of the explosions. Steve started to brief them on the plan, "Avengers, the tower is under attack by an unknown enemy. Barton, Thor you go to th-". When Wanda raced toward the Tower, as the Quinjet touched down.

The Tower's emergency crews had begun to put out the small fires on the ground, caused by falling debris, but that wouldn't have stopped Wanda anyway.

Using her powers to propel herself, Wanda rose up towards the smoking hole on floors 53 and 54. Raising her hand to cover mouth and nose, she stalked in the direction of Y/N's lab. A slight flick of her sent the destroyed lab door shooting towards the back wall of the lab.

Wanda rounded the corner.

"No...they're gone? No please, no."

At that moment Tony flew through one of the blasted out windows, shirtless, de-Hulked, and passed out Bruce Banner in his arms. Placing him down in a chair, the suit's faceplate opened up to reveal a very worried looking Iron Man.

"Where's Y/N?"

When Wanda didn't respond, Tony asked again. "Wanda, where is Y/N?"

"They're gone Stark. My best friend is gone."

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