Chapter 10 ~ Something More

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Y/N awoke suddenly, panting and heaving. They were lying on a soft, comfy bed, "Why am I in a bed?", a tall clinical white ceiling above me. Panicked, and thinking they were about to be tortured again, Y/N tried to lift themselves out of the bed.

"Easy Y/N, I need you to try and relax.", Bruce said as he appeared above them and gently pushed them back down, "We need to stitch up the wound in your chest, but because you've lost too much blood already, I can't risk sedating you, in case your body can't wake itself up again. So I'm sorry. but this next part will hurt." he finished giving Y/N a sad smile, before he turned to a nearby table.

One of the doctors then fixed an oxygen mask to Y/N's face, as Bruce can back above them and into their vision. "The oxygen mask will assist you in breathing, if you start to find it too difficult."

Y/N nodded, before letting out a muffled scream through the mask, as Bruce and the other doctors started to stitch the chest wound. The pain Y/N felt was some of the worst they'd ever had, almost at the level of some of their torture. "I'm going to die."


Sitting in the debriefing room, with her fellow Avengers, Wanda paid no mind to what Steve was saying to them. Her mind was on Y/N and her eyes stared blankly straight ahead, she was focused on nothing and everything at the same time.

Then, she felt something at the back of her mind. Another mind she had not felt so strongly for a long time.


Her happiness that Y/N was awake, was immediately replaced by severe pain, that coursed through her entire body. Gasping, and falling to her knees on the floor, the other Avengers swarmed around her, concern in their eyes.

"Maximoff? Are you ok?" Steve queried.

"Wanda?! What's wrong?" Natasha asked.

"Y/N's awake, Nat, but they're in so much pain. I can feel it all." She replied, crying now.

"You need to disconnect from them Wanda, Y/N wouldn't want you hurting because of them."

As if Wanda had not heard Natasha at all, she said, "I'm going to see them.", and with a flick of her wrist she swung the debriefing room doors open, and stalked to the MedBay, paying no heed to the calls of her teammates.

As she neared the end of the final endless hallway to MedBay, Bruce stepped out, exhausted.

"Don't try and stop me, Banner" she spoke, her hands raised, ready to attack.

"I'm not going to, I was actually on my way  t-"

"I could feel their pain coursing through me, what did you do to them!?"

"Unfortunately, Y/N woke up during their surgery, we don't know why but that's why they were in pain. We quickly sedated them as soon as we realised. You can go se-"

Wanda sped past him.

"-see them, if you want." Bruce finished to himself, sighing.

"JARVIS, where are the other Avengers?"

"All except, Sir, are in Debriefing Room B, Dr Banner, would you like me to notify them that Mx L/N is now out of surgery?"

"Yes please JARVIS, where is Tony?"

"Mr Stark is currently in his lab, would you like me to alert him of Mx L/N's condition also?"

"Yes thank you, JARVIS."

"Of course, Dr Banner."


Y/N awoke with a start, sitting up suddenly, breathing heavily. Glancing around, they took in their surroundings, the unfamiliar brightness of the room at first overwhelming, but something their eyes gradually adjusted to. As Y/N continued to survey the room, their gaze fell on a familiar figure beside him.

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