Chapter 7 ~ Torturous Interrogation

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After being in the room, for what Y/N estimated was maybe a week and two days, they had begun to lose all hope of ever being rescued. Every day was the same. The soldier would enter in what Y/N assumed was the morning and begin to, what he called, "extract information". By that, he meant to find new and sick ways to torture it out of them, with Y/N's failure to reveal any left him more frustrated each day that went by. Y/N's probably tenth day in captivity was no exception.

Y/N awoke that day to ice-cold water being splashed on their face, by a soldier they hadn't seen before. In complete silence he walked up behind the scientist and yanked their hair back, so that they were pulled hard up against the back of the chair, causing Y/N to yell out.

"How are you this morning, Dr Y/N L/N?", the familiar lead soldier called out, as he entered the room.

"I'm just fine, how are you?" Y/N replied their throat sore from being underused, or more accurately only used for screaming.

The familiar soldier punched Y/N square in the face and then again in the stomach, both with enough force to cause old injuries to begin to bleed again. Y/N screamed in pain, and both soldiers just laughed. Their leader turned to the other soldier and said something fast in Russian, to which the new soldier roughly let go of Y/N's hair and left the room. The soldier pulled another chair over and sat down in front of them.

"So, here we are, once again Dr Y/N. Tell me everything you know about the Avengers."

"Never." Y/N said back, through gritted teeth.

He leaned in closer, close enough for Y/N to feel the natural urge to pull back but their cuffs prevented them from being able to escape his presence. Y/N tiredly struggled at them once more, before giving up and slumping down in the chair. He smiled.

"You do realise they're not coming for you right? You've been gone for almost a month."

"A m-month..?"

"A month. They don't care about you. You're useless to them now if you weren't before. No one will ever come for you and you'll die here, alone, if you don't tell us everything you know about the Avengers. What do you have to lose? You have nothing."

"Please, I-I don't know the Avengers..."

"Remember what I said to you when you arrived here, Dr Y/N? HYDRA does not tolerate liars!" he shouted that last part before he grabbed their throat and bore his eyes deep into theirs, "And liars get punished."

Weakening his grip on Y/N's throat, he knocked them out with his other hand.


When Y/N woke up, they were standing up against a wall, their hands held uncomfortably above me. Straining their neck to look up, Y/N realised that their hands were chained to a metal hoop attached to the wall. Rattling their chains briefly, they realised they weren't going anywhere. The rattling must have caught some unwanted attention, as at that moment the lead soldier walked in the room, along with a huge brute of a man.

"Nice to see you with, Dr L/N, this man is here to beat some sense into you."

The brute proceeded to hit Y/N all over for around five minutes before he pulled back. Y/N's stomach, arms and legs were on fire. Their eyes could barely open and their nose and mouth dripped slowly with bright red blood.

The leader walked back over to them. "Any Avengers information you feel like sharing with us now? Any secrets?"

"Please, ...please just stop."

"Now now, that would be far too easy Dr Y/N."

Crouching down in front of Y/N, he spoke again, "Now since you don't seem to be taking us seriously enough, let's run through some information on yourself. Abandoned at a very young age, you lived in an orphanage in Washington DC, with nine others. At 17 you entered into a Stark Industries Intern Competition, where you did well enough for the great Tony Stark to take you in as his personal intern, and not a year later offer you a job as one of his top scientists. A few months after you were promoted to Deputy Chief Technology Officer at Stark Industries. As you can see, we know you have important Avengers & Stark Industries information.", he moved closer and Y/N could feel his breath on their face, "Now I'm sure you know all of this, Dr Y/N L/N, but what you may not be aware of is what happened to your family, your Father and why your relationships with Stark & Avengers are not the only aspects making you vitally important HYDRA."


He stood up and tilted Y/N's chin up to face him, "We'll tell you, if you decide to reveal the information we desire, I'll be back in 30 minutes, you better hope you've come to the correct decision by then Dr Y/N L/N, for your sake." He laughed and promptly left.

"Was he telling the truth? I can't reveal anything, they're still coming to rescue me, they're still coming to rescue me, they're still coming to rescue me. They have to, they will."

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