Chapter 9 ~ Finally Safe

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Breathing heavily from running, Bruce replied, this time.

"Y/N's at a decommissioned military base around 80 miles north of here."

"Why do they always go to the same places, its either an abandoned warehouse or an old military base?", Natasha asked, rhetorically.

"Let's go."

"Wanda, are you sure you're able to go?" Steve asked.

"Of course Y/N is my friend, I need to save them."

"I don't believe you are in the right mental state to go, Wanda, we can expect a strong opposition. Y/N wouldn't want you to get yourself injured over him."

"Bruce, I'm going. OK?! Wanda said, her eyes dared anyone to question her more.

"Well, I guess Wanda's going then." Tony laughed nervously as he ignored Wanda's glare in his direction before he raised his finger in the air and shouted, "Avengers Assemble!"

"Hey, that's my line." Steve murmured somewhat sadly, as the others quickly left the room.

"Not the time Rogers," Natasha replied, checking a gun that seemed to have appeared from nowhere before she clapped Steve on the back and also left to get ready.


"So I've been missing for a month? They aren't coming for me." Y/N thought to themselves, as they slowly and painfully awoke after yesterday's beating. Looking around, they realised the chair they were in was different. It had armrests, a higher back and was made entirely of wood, Y/N was strapped into it. A thin rope ran from the back of the chair and snaked all over their body.

Upon this realisation, Y/N just sat there in their own silence, helplessly waiting. Y/N was soon pulled out of their wandering thoughts when the door to my room was practically thrown open.

"Ah, Dr Y/N L/N how are you this morning?" the lead HYDRA soldier said, gleefully.

Y/N looked up at him and said nothing.

"We'll get what we need out of you eventually Y/N, we have our methods. Now today I thought we'd try electrocuting you, how does that sound? Great! Let's get started." He finished, not pausing for an answer.

Y/N immediately felt the electricity surge up through the chair, across those thin wired strings and into my body. Letting out a bloodcurdling scream, Y/N thrashed about in the chair as they searched for an escape. After around a minute and a half, the electricity stopped and Y/N was left panting for air.

"That was just the lowest setting, it's about to get a whole lot worse."


As the Quinjet readied to land, Steve ran his team over the plan a final time.

"We can expect a strong fight when we land, Stark and I will clear the perimeter, while Romanov, Barton and Maximoff enter the base, Bruce will remain here to monitor comms. Let's go get our Y/N back."

Everyone just nodded and finished their final preparations, before they all charged out of the Quinjet and into the base.


As soon as Wanda entered the base, she flew up and hoovered above it. She soon felt and linked with Y/N's emotions and was able to pinpoint their general location. Landing, she silently flicked the HYDRA soldiers out of her way as she stalked towards the room Y/N was being held in. Reaching it, she used her powers to break the door down, which managed to knock out the only soldier in the room. When she noticed Y/N, she gasped and rushed to them, speaking into her comms, "Guys, I've found Y/N, but they're not breathing!".

"Get them to the jet and Bruce, we're almost finished up here," Steve answered first.

"Speak for yourself, Cap!" Clint could be heard faintly over the comms.

"I'll save Barton, you guys get going, Y/N will need to get to the MedBay," Natasha said as she made her way over to the archer.

"Hey, I'm not a child Nat."

"Yeah, sure you aren't."

"Not the time guys, Wanda's at the Quinjet with Y/N, and they're not in good shape, we need to leave now," Bruce spoke.

"We're on our way out. Everyone withdraw back to the Quinjet, now." Steve's patriotic voice spoke in ears.

"Will they be ok Bruce?" Wanda asked tearfully, absentmindedly running her hands through Y/N's hair.

"It's too early to tell, but I will do everything in my power to make sure they will be," Bruce replied, attaching an oxygen mask to Y/N's face, before fiddling with another machine.

Wanda sighed and sat down next to Y/N's bed on the jet, her eyes unmoving from their dormant body, waiting for them to wake up.


As soon as the Quinjet touched down at the Avengers Tower, Bruce met with the awaiting doctors from the Tower's MedBay, who all quickly lifted Y/N onto a stretcher and wheeled them inside. Wanda immediately rushed to follow, but Steve put an arm out in front and stopped her.

"Wanda, you need to let Bruce help L/N. They cannot fully concentrate on that with you there also."

"I CARE ABOUT THEM STEVE, let me past."

"I know Wanda, I know, we all care for Y/N."

" I ju-just wanna... help them, Steve," Wanda replied as she tried to bury her tears.

"Do you trust Bruce, Wanda?" Steve said, with a sympathetic smile.

"Of course I trust him! Why?"

"Then you know Y/N will be alright.", he said, as he pulled her into a hug, "You can help Y/N, by leaving Bruce and the other doctors, to save them."

Wanda just nodded and released herself from Steve's embrace.

"Let's go and debrief, that will take your mind off Y/N for the time being."

Simply nodding again, Wanda followed Steve to the debriefing room. "I hope Y/N survives, I've missed them. I need them in my life, I think I love them."

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