Chapter Four

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“No, stop!”

“You monster!”

           This woman was screaming and beating her with a silver bat.


           She dropped the bat and ran towards a child.

“No, leave me alone.”

           Monique snapped out of her sleep, breathing heavy, and nearly sweating. Vicky can’t know. Monique looked around, still on the plane, of course they are; they still had three more hours to go before they landed in Romania. The place where she did terrible things.

           Oh God. Monique pressed her hands against her temples. That’s when she realized that the thirst for blood and souls were putting more weight on her as they approached the landing stip.

“Monique, are you alright?” inquired Sam.

“I am fine, Sam.”

           Sam handed her a glass of water and sat down next to her, “You’ve been asleep for nearly three hours, are you feeling okay?”

“Yeah, guess I was just really tired.”

           The turbines started to slow down showing that they had landed. Once the plane came to a complete stop, everyone stood and file out to meet the other students. Monique waited until the plane was just holding her and Sam.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Sam asked.

“This place brings back so many memories, that’s all.”

“Oh, well then come on, I know that Vicky will be looking for you.”

           Monique stood and stretched, and walked into the crisp air of the place where a foolish human had awoken her with his blood from a sleep that she was forced into as a young girl. But during that time, Monique was aware of everything, her body aged and she became stronger and more feared than anyone could ever imagine.


           Vicky walked up to her, with Logan, and a few other friends.

“Vicky, how was your flight?”

“Boring as ever.”

           Vicky looked at the mountains that laid in front of them.

“Wow, Romania is so beautiful.”

           Monique ignored the comment and started to walk away.”

“Where are you going?” Vicky called out.

“I have to go say hello to somebody.”

“Okay, see you later.”

           Monique walked farther away from Vicky’s sight. She inhaled the air. Her eyes turning a deep crimson red as she caught the blood of that same foolish man. Monique walked through town following that scent. Fool didn’t you know never run from a dragoness, because the beast likes the chase. Found you.

“Oh come on, Monique.”

“I gave you life and this is how you repay me!”

“Monique, I did not know.”

“I am tired of your voice.”

           A strangled scream, and the man’s limp body fell to the ground.

Welcome home, Monique.

“Get out of my head.”

           The pounding pain stopped. Looking around Monique started to walk out of the alley. As she walked away.

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