Chapter 14

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Vicky was reading while her child was looking out the window.

“Mummy, look!”

“What is it, dear?” Vicky asked, looking out the window, when she saw her husband.

He walked into the house and held his family in his arms.

“What happened?” Vicky asked.

“It's over, the war is over.” he said into her hair.

Vicky and her husband looked out the window watching as the dead earth came back to life. The war was over, and everything was at peace. But something in Vicky shook her as she remember what she had said to Monique. Now that she was gone, there was no way for Vicky to take back everything that happened between them.


Three months passed as their child grew and was now ten years old as they walked down Central Park, in New York. Vicky and her husband watched as their child flew his kite. The trees swayed with the wind. They had all moved here after the war vanished. No demons, no dragons, and no supernatural creatures to bother them. As they walked out of Central Park and onto the busy streets of New York, they slowly made their way to their condo, of course after stopping for ice cream first. When they made it home, the street lights and city lights blinded the human eye. Closing their curtains, they walked into their son’s room, and put him to bed and turned out the light and they too soon fell to sleep.


The echo of the dragon roars were normal for Monique as she sunbathed upon her perch. Her black scales shone in the rising sun, as the human world went to sleep and the dragon world rose with the sunlight. Monique watched as the moon hid behind the mountains. Her brother layed next to her. Monique opened her massive jaw, letting out a yawn.

“ Monique, I am starting to get bored.” Tsu’Tey said.

“There is nothing much I can do about that, brother. Now let me sleep.”

Tsu’ Tey hissed, “You have been sunbathing  and sleeping ever since we got back from the war.”

“And?” Monique looked at her brother.

The sounds of the dragons seemed to have quieted down. Tsu’ Tey and Monique looked at each other.

“What if we went hunting, that way you can get your hulking arse some exercise.” Tsu’ Tey  teased.

“You ass.” Monique nipped at him.

Getting up from her perch, Monique stretched out her wings and took to the skies and flew off into the setting sun. Monique flew next to cue brother,  letting the wind and the clouds Fly passed her. As if on cue a stinging pain shook down her spine. She hissed at the pain.

Her brother noticed,  “What's wrong? “

Monique look at her brother, “I felt something strong just now. And I don't know what it is. “

Tsu'Tey look at his sister and then with his nose nudged her.  He was answered with a pur. They fly out of the dragon ward and shifted into their human forms.

“Where are we going? “ Tsu'Tey asked.

“ I need to find out what summoned me. “ Monique said.

Charles start walking a little bit faster than normal. It felt like someone was watching him. Still with his super senses he was able to name everything if not anything,  but this sent to him was new. As he made his way into central park he noticed a couple that looked lost.

He started to walk up to them, “Can help you find something. “

“ Oh,  we are looking for an old friend. “

“Do you know her name,  and maybe I can find their number in the yellow pages. “

“You don't have to do that. “

“It's alright, so what is their name? “ Charles asked.

“Her name is Vicky Dragonmire.”

Charles froze, “She is my mother.”

The couple looked at him, “ Is she now. Well can you take us to her?”

“Let me call my mom and see if she can come and meet us here.”

“Thank you so much.”


The phone started to ring.

“Hello. Dragomire residence.” Vicky said.

“Mom, I have a question?”

“What is it son?”

“Do you know a Monique Dragomire?”

Vicky nearly dropped the phone, “How do you know that name son?”

“Well I am standing with some who says that you know them.”

“Where are you right now?” Vicky asked.

“I am in central park…”

“Stay there with them, I will be there in a little bit.” Hanging up the phone, Vicky grabbed her coat and walked into the busy street of New York City.

She tried to walk normally but because of the thought of Monique with her son, she couldn’t stop herself from nearly running. Once she made her way through the overly crowded streets, the entrance to the park seemed to summon her.

Ever since the battle between the dragons and humans, this was one of the parks that seemed to hold the air from the battle. She thought that she had put Monique to the back of her mind , but she would always think of how much Monique taught her what it meant to trust someone even when the times get hard.But she didn’t know if she was ready to confront Monique.

Looking around for her son, she spotted him talking with Monique and her brother. It seems time had other plans for her.

Vicky worked up the nerve  and walked over to her son, “ They didn’t do anything to you?”

“I am fine , mother.”

Vicky turned to Monique, “ Why are you back here?”

Monique looked at Vicky, “My, still can’t let go of the past.”

“I have put that behind me.”

Monique crimson eyes seemed to pierce right through her soul, “Are you ready to finish the deal?”

“I have no clue what you are talking about.” Vicky said.

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