Chapter Five

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The news of countless manslaughters reached the ski lodge declared a curfew for everyone for their safety. Monique went out about noon and had yet to return.

“Aceste om.” Thakira said kicking a brick off the roof.

“They know that something has returned.”

“Yeah but that doesn’t mean that they can spread it all over Romania.”

           Monique laughed and they both started to fly away, when a thick undead smell came to their face. Turning into their beast, and used their enhanced senses to follow them.


The whole ski lodge was under lock down, three or four men stood there with guns pointed at anyone that tried to move.

“No one leaves until I find her.”

Vicky knew who they were talking about. She looked around… where is she?

Then the men started to mumble something in Romanian, the trees started to bend at a nearly 90 degree angle.

“Ah, someone is here…”

The glass shattered with wind hurling the men through the wall. Vicky felt magic pass her as the wind seemed to attack the men. Thakira jumped through the shattered window.

“So you are the one with the wind powers. So tell me, where is your friend.”

Thakira smiled and said something in Romanian.

Then the wind started to pick up the speed as Thakira’s brown hair, blew through the wind. A roar fill the high pitched wind and a black scaled clawed kind of hand reached into the ski lodge. The leader pulled a chain out of his arm and clipped the hand. When Vicky heard the sharp scream of  the monster that had attacked the lodge. Thakira leapt out the window yelling something in Romanian.

“No one is aloud to leave, if they are back they will not stop until everyone is free from my grasp.”

He turned to face Vicky, “My men have informed me that you know Monique.”

“How do you know her?”

“Well, maybe if she comes back, she will be able to tell you herself.” The man said, “Make sure no one leaves the building.”

Vicky walked to her room, wondering what that creature was.

A rock hit the window, Vicky looked out the window seeing Monique starting to climb the side of the building.

“Monique, do know that these men are looking for you.”

“I know, Vicky, it is no longer safe for you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Vicky, do you remember when you asked me if I was one of the monsters from the legend?”

“Yes I do, but that is beside the point!”

“Vicky, listen to me!”

“Tell me the truth, Monique!” Vicky voice cracked as she said this.

“You want the truth…”


Monique sighed, “Vicky, the truth is that the legend is true, I am one of those monsters in the story, and I have killed people in my lifetime.”

“How long have you been alive?”

“I have been alive for 60 decades now.”

“Why did you kill?” Vicky asked this, breaking into tears.

“For pleaser, sometime to stay alive.”

Monique walked towards Vicky.

“No… I trusted you, I saved your life, and you repay me is by keeping secrets.”


Monique stopped in her tracks, as the door opened and one of the brutes yelled something and the man came in with that same mask that he had when she first met him.

“Well, Monique, you made the wrong choice coming back for your friend.”,the man said.

“Who are you?” Monique asked, hate filling her.

“My name is Mike. Mike Schmidt.” He said, “Grab her, and take her out of here.”

Monique looked at Vicky who would probably never trust her again.


“Just go, Monique.”  

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