Chapter Two

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I walked into the school building in my new uniform. Everything was different from Middle School. Bigger halls, more people, and- WHY IS MY CLASS DOOR SO BIG? IS THERE A GIANT IN MY CLASS?

I stared at the large door for about a minute before sliding it open. Before I could step into the classroom, a boy with blue-ish hair ran up to me. He introduced himself as Tenya Iida.

A brown haired girl then walked up to me. I instantly remembered her.

"Hey! You're that simple faced boy from the entrance exams! Remember me?" She said, her voice streaming with happiness and innocence.

But before I could respond, I heard a gruff voice behind me. I knew exactly who it was, and I couldn't stop myself from shivering.

"Move extras." He said, staring us down. We all three instantly moved out of his way, making sure he had more than enough room to walk. Once he passed us, I thought it'd be over. I don't think I've ever been more wrong in my life.

"Hey nerd, who let you in? There is no way you'd pass the exams or get recommended." He smirked. "A quirkless nobody is not welcome here."

"He isn't quirkless!" Uraraka said proudly. "He used it during the exams to save me!" This caused people to start talking about when they saw me use my quirk to defeat the 0 point robot. I hid my face in embarrassment, but Kacchan grabbed my collar and made me look at him.

"YOU HAVE A QUIRK?! WHY DID YOU HIDE IT?? ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME SEEM WEAK, LIKE I COULDN'T BEAT YOUR QUIRK?!" He screamed at me. He brought me closer to his face, which was scrunched up and full of hatred.

"I-I'm... I'm sorry!" I stuttered. I couldn't do anything but stand there, until Uraraka said something that made him let me go. I took this chance to quickly apologize to my new friends and find a seat near the back of the room.

However, it was when I was alone that my thoughts would get to me. I couldn't say anything, or even stand up for myself. I was frozen in fear at his hands, so what would it be like once I faced a villian?! I sighed and laid my head on the desk, waiting for the teacher to come.

This was going to be a long day.

*Time skip: Lunch period.*

I walked around with my lunchbox, looking for somewhere to sit. I finally found a table away from everyone, but my lonliness didn't last. Uraraka and Iida showed up and ate with me. It felt somewhat good to have friends.

Uraraka started talking about crushes, she didn't care it was only the first day.

"So, Iida, do you have a crush?" She looked directly at him.

"No, I don't have time for a relationship." He said simply, fixing his glasses.

"What about you?" She pointed her fork at me. I looked around and my eyes landed on Katsuki. I felt my face heat up. She took notice of this, but I looked away before she could figure out who.

"You do!" She squealed. "Who is it?"

"N-No one!" I managed to get out. She didn't let it go at all. I refused to tell her, or even myself, so she made a ton of wild guesses. I finally excused myseld to the bathroom and ran off, not wanting to accept reality.

Did I really like him?

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