Chapter Three

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*~This chapter contains depressing thoughts.~*


         Izuku's POV

   I continued the school day with minimum interaction. Barely talking, just focusing on the work Mr. Aizawa gave us. My mind constantly wandered to Kacchan. Why? I'm not quite sure myself.

   Every once in a while he'd turn his head towards the window, but his eyes looked at me. I made eye contact and immediately looked away. Is it true? Do I really, seriously like Kacchan?

   I looked at the clock. Almost time to go, thank god. I started putting away all the extra stuff I didn't need out at the moment into my backpack.

   I could hear the bell ring, so I stood up and grabbed the rest of my stuff, cramming it into my backpack and zipping it up. Normally, I'm way more organized. But ever since I came to the realization that I do in fact like Bakugo, I just wanted to go home and avoid everyone.

   I like him so much.. but why would he like someone like me? I'm just a nerd, one who he hates. He will never like me.

   My thoughts went to middle school, where he told me to kill myself. No, I couldn't do that.. I have to make my mom proud. I was snapped out of my thoughts when a hand grabbed my shoulder.

   "A-Ah! Todoroki! W-What's up?" I asked. Why was he grabbing my shoulder? We don't talk very much..

   "I need to talk to you." His bored expression didn't change once. He's like a robot sometimes.

   "S-Sure! But where?" Ok, I'm confused. What did he want to talk about? Why talk to me? He seems to get along with Momo.

   He gestured for me to follow him and walked away. I quickly scrambled after him. Once we slowed down, he began to talk.

   "I noticed you distancing yourself from everyone today. Not to mention the countless stares you gave Bakugo. Is something up?" Again, his expression didn't change. However, his eyes showed the slightest bit of worry.

   "O-Oh! Yeah, no. N-Nothings up. I just... I wanted t-to focus on the work today! I-I barely passed the entrance exams, so I felt like I n-needed to study more!" The lies. They won't stop. Why? Why can't I tell him the truth? Right, he won't understand.

   "Make sense." He actually believed me!? "If you need someone to help you study, just come find me." I nodded. "Also... Don't lie to me next time, okay? You're horrible at it." With that, he walked away.

   So he didn't believe me.. I watched him go, then decided to leave too. As I left the building, I noticed Kacchan standing near the gate. Oh great... I'll just act like he's invisible.

   I walked past him, not even looking at him.

   "Oi! Nerd! Where are you going?" He said, catching up to me. I continued to ignore him. I wasn't in the mood after all those thoughts came back.

   He started to get angry at me being so unresponsive. He pushed me against a wall, his hands on either side, one of his knees in between my legs. I couldn't escape.

   "What the hell is your problem?!" He asked, staring at me with his eyes narrowed. I couldn't take it anymore. The thoughts came rushing back all at once. It left no room for the tears, and they came rushing out.

   I lifted my hands up to my face and kept rubbing my eyes, hoping the tears would stop. I noticed Kacchans eyes soften, but he kept staring at me. Great.. I was crying in front of him.. again...

   Suddenly, he pulled me into a hug. I was beyond confused, but hugged him back. I tried so hard to stop crying, it was making me feel so weak. But I couldn't. I couldn't stop.

   "You damn nerd..." He said softly, no hints of anger whatsoever. "Why do you have to make me feel this way...?"


   666 words.. I always knew satan was my friend! Anyways, sorry bout the depressing shit, next chapter will be much happier!

   Please don't forget to vote and comment to tell me how I'm doing with this story.

   It's moving a lot faster than I thought it would, but at least it's going somewhere.

   Alright, bye now!

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