Please read..

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   Just an announcement for those of you who read my shitty books, thank you. I really appreciate it, however I'm not really finding any motivation to continue any of my stories. Sorry, I may start some new ones or keep one or two of the old ones to continue working on.

   I haven't really been in a very good place recently, add school and society on top of that and I just kinda want to not do anything. I won't go into detail, but I'm just not quite sure anymore.

   Anyways, like I said, I may continue working on one or two books and then start some new ones. Or, I can just restart all of them so that they are better and more descriptive, plus not as rushed. I don't know, what do you guys think? I'm just so unsure..

   Again, sorry about all of this. I'll figure it out and get my shit together soon. Thank you for reading this.

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