Mini Chapter

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This is completely unrelated to the story, it's just a mini story for fun.


Izuku ran through the rain, water splashing his clothes as races through the puddles. He wasn't a fan of getting sick, but he didn't have a jacket or an umbrella, just his uniform.

The running didn't help though; he still got soaked from head to toe and had a raging fever the following night. It was Sunday, and the raib still poured as Izuku layed in bed, his body feeling weak.

Izuku's POV

My whole body hurt. The only reason I had to walk home on Friday was because my mom was at the store. I wouldn't have minded it if it wasn't pouring rain, but oh well.

I knew I wouldn't be able to go to school tomorrow, I threw up three times in the last 2 hours. It definitely has not been fun.

~• Time skip to Monday near the
end of school•~

I felt like complete sh-...... Crap. (My innocent lil bean ^3^) I was about to fall asleep again when my mom came into my room.

"Hey honey... That Katsuke Bakugo is here to see you. Shall I send him in?" She asked quietly.

"Y-yeah, sure..." I replied. I didn't hear who she said, but I didn't care. My body was on fire, and I know it won't go away soon.

She left, and soon after Kacchan came in. He came to the bed and sat down.

"K-Kacchan? W-Why are you.... here?" I asked, stumbling over my words due to my brain being in a weird spot.

"Shut up nerd.." He said quietly. "It's not like I wanted to come here. The old hag said I should check on you."

"Well, you did check on me, so you can l-leave now." I don't know where this courage came from, but it was there and it surprised me. It also seemed to have surprised Kastuke.

"Would you shut up?!" He whisper-yelled, I think so my mom wouldn't hear. Then he started towards my bed and sat down next to me. I lifted my head up, confused.

"W-What are y-you do-" He cut me off with a hug, lifting me onto his lap.

"I missed seeing you..." He muttered quietly. Okay, where did the Kacchan I know go?? Who is this imposter?! He breathed out onto my neck, still embracing me.

"K-Kacchan, I don't want t-to get you sick." My face was already red from me being sick, but I looked like a full on tomato now. Why was he hugging me? Didn't he hate me?

"You think I care about that, nerd." He stated softly, grabbing my chin and making me look at him. Then, it happened. His lips roughly met mine. My first kiss...

It didn't last long though, considering Mom opened the door and saw us, which made me more embarrassed than I already was. Katsuki, however, didn't seem to mind and just stared at her blankly.

"I always knew this would happen!" She cried. Literally, cried. Now you know where I get it from. Kacchan laughed and kissed my cheek, then said he had to leave and set me down. He left shortly afterwards. This left me and my mom alone.

"Sooo... Was he nice?" She said and giggle at me.

"Moooooooom..!" I cried out, although to be honest, I couldn't hold back my smile.

"Yeah... It was nice."

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