Chapter five

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His tongue licked my bottom lip, but when I gave no opening he grabbed my wrist, burning it slightly and giving him entrance. To be honest, I was kind enjoying it. I mean, he is my crush..

However, he pulled away, staring straight at me. His lips were turned into a smirk. He got closer to my ear.

"How about we have some fun?"


"K-Kacchan?" I whispered, afraid to be too loud. It was nearly silent, except for both of ours' breathing. I stared up at him after that sentence. However, without an answer or a warning he kissed me again.

He left butterfly kisses down my jawline to the crook of my neck,where he began to suck and nibble on the skin. I tried to hold the noises back by covering my mouth, but he grabbed my hand and looked at me.

"Don't you dare cover up those sounds, Deku." He growled out in a low voice. The way he said my name gave me shivers. He bit down once more, causing me to moan extremely loudly. His eyes shone with a new emotion, one I've never seen. Pure hunger.

He unbuttoned my shirt slowly, leaving kisses all over my chest. I shivered once more with anticipation, waiting for him to stop teasing. I groaned quietly, trying to get him to hurry up. However, Kacchan being Kacchan, he took his sweet time.

The doorknob to the front door jiggled, keys clinking outside. We immediately seperated and I covered my neck the best I could with my uniform, buttoning it back up. We both dove towards the table and pulled out our notebooks, pretending to study.

"Oh! Hey boys! How was school?" Mom said as she walked in, carrying her purse and a small bag. She set the bag down on the counter and we both gave her a thumbs up, scared to say anything.

I looked up at Bakugo. He was glaring at the notebook, a red tint covering his cheeks and tip of his ears. I unknowingly started to stare at him. I only noticed this when he looked up and smirked, his red orbs staring into my green ones.

   I looked away and stared at my notebook. Oh god, this is so awkward. I could hear my mom in the kitchen making dinner. It smelled really good, but it wasn't enough to take my mind off of what just happened. My face was covered in a blush, which I was desperately trying to get rid of. Why is life so hard?

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