Chapter Four

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   "K-Kacchan..?" My eyes still watered, but I managed to get the words out. Honestly, I was scared to hug him back. "W-What do you mean...?"

   He didn't say anything, burying his head closer to my neck. I felt his lips hit my neck as he kissed it and I froze, trying to figure out what he was doing.

   He immediately stopped and backed up. His eyes looked me up and down, then nodded his head for us to keep walking. His face went back to his usual glare.

   I followed behind him, reaching up to touch my neck. It still felt warm to me. A blush made it's way across my face again. Why did he do that?? Doesn't he hate my guts?!

   I made it to my house and saw my mom's car was gone. I had just started walking towards my front door when Kacchan grabbed my wrist, stopping me in my tracks.

   "Can I come in?" He asked roughly, red orbs staring straight into my green ones. My mind immediately flashed to earlier. My face felt extremely hot, but despite everything telling me not to let him in, I nodded and opened the door.

   We walked in and took off our shoes. My face had cooled off a bit, but a pink tint decided to stay. It became red immediately when Kacchan wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and rested his chin on my head. This isn't what he's like at all!

   I tried to say something, anything! But it only came out as a squeak. I stared forward. My body was frozen stiff, I couldn't even move my arms.

   "Why so nervous, Deku." He breathed out. His chin lifted off of my head and he flipped me around. I stared into his red eyes, still unable to speak.

   "I-I... You.. u-uh..." He stopped my "words" by pressing a finger to my lips, which made me even more flustered. My eyes flicked off to the side, me being unable to look at him directly.

   "Why won't you look at me?" He growled and grabbed my chin, forcing me to look back at him. I whimpered slightly. Since when has he started acting like this? And why did I let him in my house?!

   My thoughts abruptly stopped as he pressed his lips roughly against mine. My eyes widened. My first kiss. Gone. By someone who I thought completely hated me.

   His tongue licked my bottom lip, but when I gave no opening he grabbed my wrist, burning it slightly and giving him entrance. To be honest, I was kind enjoying it. I mean, he is my crush..

   However, he pulled away, staring straight at me. His lips were turned into a smirk. He got closer to my ear.

   "How about we have some fun?"


   Hey there! So, not sure if I should write a lemon or not. Plus, this chapter absolutely sucked. It was all over the place, so forgive me.

   I've never written a lemon before, let alone a guy x guy. But if y'all want it, I'll write it. :)

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