The virus

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The Z virus, a deadly strain of the flu, it can control your mind in less than 30 seconds after breaching your bloodstream. This virus, can change you not just physically but mentally also, it makes you turn on the ones you love and protect. It spread like wildfire, Moscow and China had gone dark in less than a day, the origin apparently came from a jungle from a South Pacific island near japan. Australia had almost been fully infected, Sydney had been levelled to eradicate the virus there. Only a few pockets of survivors had flown to Auckland from Australia but they didn't know that they had brought it with them. I, a 15 year old student from the South Island of New Zealand, who was studying in school at the same time that America was preparing to send In reinforcements to help control the virus, I was in P.E, 3 period, when the teachers informed us that we should stay in doors and barricade, school and society as we knew it, had been turned off just like a light switch, yet only the teachers knew. I immediately asked the teacher, miss Chatham, "Why are we doing this miss? What's wrong?", "you have a cellphone don't you? Check the news Fraser". I gathered a bunch of my friends; Olivia, Lucy, Cameron, and some others. In total I had 5 people watching my phone to find out what was going on, and then the news lady said, "breaking news update, marshal law has been declared in New Zealand, and citizens are advised to stay indoors and barricade your houses, the "Z virus" is extremely dangerous, anyone infected should have their brain destroyed, as it is the control Centre for the virus, if you are bitten, you are infected, please stay indoors and barricade your homes, this is vicky smith reporting live for channel 3 news". My friends looked at me in shock, I quickly told them my plan, to leave school, grab survival equipment and supplies from the army camp closest to us, and then get to high ground. All 4 agreed and we told the teacher that we were leaving and she didn't care, she obviously had realised to survive she had to worry about herself. We headed toward the metalwork room to fortify a bus and make some makeshift weapons, when we ran into a bunch of my other kids, one of then had been bitten...I immediately shoved a metal pole through his chest (forgetting at that moment that it was the head to go for). "What the fuck!? Why'd you kill him?!" Said one of the new kids, "he was infected, bitten, watch this, I tapped him on his leg, his eyes flickered open, grey and hollowed, he groaned, and then his two mates went to see if he was ok but he bit one of their arms and the other one jumped back, cam decapitated the newly bitten guy, and Olivia who had now somehow change rapidly fast, out of her uniform and into a black crop top, and spandex shorts, (she was a fashion bitch I might add), slammed her shoe into the zombies head which made a squishy crunchy noise. The new kid ran off. When we had fortified ourselves, we found a bus and got some supplies: food from the cooking rooms and some water. Cam drove the bus to burnham army camp where we stopped off to take a look at the weapons and vehicles and army gear they had there. We realised that everyone on the camp, soldiers and civilians, Had either fled to the coast to try to stop the infection, or to the north to the mountains. So we looked around the armoury, we found assault rifles, a sniper and lots of ammo, some pistols and grenades pretty good start. In the depot we found several trucks and a tank. I said that we should probably change into lighter gear so that the zombies can't catch us as easily, So by the time we had changed into shorts and shirts and me and cam had some riot gear packed into the truck. We siphoned the petrol from the bus and moved our supplies and weapons into the truck we decided to try and go back to towards the port hills because the rich people lived there with huge mansions that were pretty much impenetrable and because it was high ground. So before our team left we decided that mikalah, and me were to drive the tank and the others were to drive and protect the truck. So I quickly flicked through the instruction manual, and worked out how to drive a tank, Mikalah, read the gunner manual to work out how to fire the main cannon and reload it. We set of towards the hills at around lunchtime. The tank went out front and I was driving quite well if I do say so myself and mikalah was the gunning with the main cannon. Our first fight we found was about 20 kilometres from burnham. We found a young girl who was being eaten by five zombies at once, Mikalah decided to put her Out of her misery and blew up the spot they were in, "fuck that was loud!" I said. We carried on toward the hill, wondering what lay in store for us.

When we showed up at the base of the hill we found that we weren't the only ones with This idea, there were tonnes of people from the east that had come from the city. I guess they wanted to do the same but we had all the firepower and all they had were supplies, me and mikalah stopped and told the others the situation. Unanimously we also chose to go up the hill and gather some people tomorrow. The tank slumped sluggishly up the hill towards the mansions and when we got to the top we decided to fortify a white mansion with a working pool and electricity and a back up generator, we found two new friends named Alex and Lucy, both blonde, and both surprised to see us, "are you the military?" They asked, we laughed and filled them in. With lots of supplies and weapons set out around the house, we relaxed and waited for nightfall, we found out earlier that zombies are more active at night and twice as dangerous. So we boarded up the doors and windows, and set up some guns around the place for defence then stocked the cupboards, fridges and tanks with water and food. Cam and I strolled over towards the poolside balcony and looked Into the distance, "woah dude" he said, "the whole city is pretty much been totalled by the Air Force" he was right. Skyscrapers littered the streets and in the flames and smoke the dead stalked the living. "Jesus man who new the Air Force could do that" "I know, I just wish it didn't have to be like this" A few seconds later Olivia and the others joined us on the balcony, we all just stood there in unison staring at the city ablaze, if you listened closer you could make out that noise you heard all to well, they high pitched shriek before a Human was devoured. All over the city this was happening I decided to turn around and leave but cam held me back, "Hey guys, what's that noise?","I hear it too". I turned around to see a metal beast covering the sky above us, it passed overhead and carried on towards the city when all of a sudden it's right engine caught fire, it banked towards a half toppled skyscraper, when the explosion happened. The earthquake of sound deafened us for a good few seconds before the sky lit up like someone had turned on a light switch. "We should go check that out eventually" I said before I turned to leave. When the sun rose late next morning we were woken by the sounds of screams for help. "Should we wake up and help them?" "Nah, leave em" I got up anyway got my AUG (fully automatic assault rifle), unbolted the door. I slammed it shut again. "There are about six of them down there..." "They must have been trapped down there and got shot last night. (When you die or get bitten, you get infected which takes about 30-45 seconds for you to turn completely) Alex and Lucy woke up together and looked like they were completely out of it. Cam and liv were on the roof and had the sniper. So I got mikalah up and told her to go and tell cam and liv we were going down to check it out. Lucy an Alex geared up, I opened the door, took out 3 of them ducked back and let liv and cam get down then mikalah and Lucy followed me down with Lucy we shot the rest checked the barricades they looked like the doors had exploded off the hinges and the pool had 3 bodies in it I shot one that twitched it leg and more blood poured out into the pool. "Tough luck, I guess we should try get our gear and head up to the radio station and try to see if any broadcasts were made, and then we could tell everyone who has radios to come up to the hills. So later when we have enough people we maybe could go and check out that plane. It seemed important, didn't it?" "yeah, right so how we gonna get up there?" Said cam and liv in sync with each other, "we checked it out this morning up on sniper duty. It seems as though it has it's own power supply". We packed up our supplies and checked behind us we hadn't left anything, left the mansion too find a few ragged zombies standing in the middle of the road, and about 10 dead ones lying on the sides. "What about the tank in the garage?" Said Alex. "We'll grab em' in a sec", said Mikalah, she ran up the street and killed two zombies before, two hooded people on the roofs of the mansion across the street, shot the rest with crossbows. mikalah ducked down and shouted "OI watch where you aiming ninja fags!" Lucy and Alex ran to get her back "what do you want?" I called out. "They jumped down and sauntered over. "I'm Beatriz, you can just call me bebas". "I'm Fraser, what do you two want?","we want you to join us","and why should we do that?","because, we know about the cure..."

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