The trainyard

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Thousands and thousands of train cars and trains, some tipped over, others exploded, some looked untouched. All the same, they looked like metal skeletons of an age long since forgotten, "Cam, Shhhh!" I hushed, he was talking to Olivia and didn't see the group of zombies up ahead devouring what looked like a small dog. "We need to go around" said liv, when she saw them. "It'll take too long we need to get to the end of this shipping station before nightfall and it's already late morning". Said Cam very matter of factly. We snuck over to the closest train car, jumped up on top of it and ran along the cars, one by one, slowing at each gap to jump onto the next one, we passed the zombies and they didn't notice us. And we cam up to the end of the cars. The end of the line.... Here there were about five or six groups of zombies each with more than 15 zombies I counted them surprisingly Quickly, it must have been the adrenalin kicking in. I felt it surging through my veins. Now we had to get past them.... As I my machete slashed, smashed and crashed into their delicate skulls, I splattered their deceased bodies upon the platform. I was deaths weapon now, the purging light in all the surrounding darkness, until suddenly I realised something was wrong, I realised there were more surrounding me? But from where? The noise must have brought them up from the subway beneath us, "CAM, LIV, WE GOTTA GO! NOW!!!" I yelled, I decapitated 3 more zombies before running out of the stations entrance, I stopped and waited for cam and liv, they came crashing out after me, with several zombies in tow, we ran a quarter mile then stopped out of breath and realised that they had given up. "Haha fucking faggots! Can't kill me!!!" Screamed cam, "wait, where are we?" Pointed out liv, "I'll check the map, you two check yourselves for cuts, and drink some water, we need to keep hydrated" I grabbed the map out and glanced towards the train station, we were in the shipping district, "hey should we try to go to the hospital for some supplies before we try to find a plane?" I asked. "Yeah ok" said liv, so we paced down the street towards the hospital which was conveniently on our way to the airport. "Hey guys, what's the worst thing did you do before the outbreak?" Asked liv, that, would be a long conversation.. A conversation I would need to go back to my memories of Juvies for....

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