Chapter 2

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Betty POV:

The sun has just risen so now we just gotta wait until Landon turns back so that we can leave. I hear groaning so i get up to see a necked boy laying on the floor " Umm guys he's back and he needs some clothes." I yelled back to the rest of the group. They all rushed to the front of the church to witness the scene in front of us. " Not it!" Cheryl, Hope and I said at the same time because none of us wanted to get that close and personal Rafael's parts. Landon looked at Alaric only to get the response " I'm an adult." we snickered and then looked back at landon. "Why do I have to do it?" " Because he is your brother?" He tried to protest but knowing that he wouldn't win the argument he just snatched the clothes from Ric and sulked towards Rafael's naked body.

Guys I'm gonna wait outside by the car.

I didn't wait for their responses I just started heading out of the church. Once I made it to the car I turned around only to see Cheryl and Hope were right behind me. " Hey what's wrong?" They questioned. I just shook my head. "Nothings wrong. We just been that church all night I just needed some fresh air." I announced while leaning against the car. We sit there talking and relaxing and then Ric came out. " Okay umm Rafael is all dressed and ready to go but I don't think that it is gonna be enough space. So do one of your mind running home?" " I'll run I need to blow off some steam anyway." Hope spoke up while making her way towards the woods. "We'll come with you." Cheryl spoke up while pulling me along with her. "Ok meet you guys at the school be safe." We nodded and continued to make our way to the woods. I know what you're thinking how am I gonna run with them back to the school. Well that is because I use this spell that allows me to turn into a wolf but it only works when Hope and Cheryl are both in their wolf forms. It has something to do with our bond that we share. I don't know. We did a spell that sent all of our stuff back to the school. Once that was done we all shift and then start our journey back to school. I link to the others and say       

(Betty= bold, Cheryl= bold and italics , Hope=italics)

Can you guys believe we seen Landon again. After all this time

Yeah it's weird i never thought that we would see him again

Yeah it is weird but did either of you sense what I sensed when got closer to him.

Yeah I can't pinpoint what it is, but I do know whatever it was it wasn't human. It couldn't have been.

We continue our run in silence pondering what it could have been that was causing this supernatural scent on Landon. We have to tell Ric about this. After about an hour and a half of running we finally make it back to the school. We got back before Ric and before the students woke up so we went to our room. " What do you guys think we should do?" I looked at the time and seen that it was still pretty early. " I think we should take our shower and stuff now and take a quick nap that way when we get up we can just brush our teeth and get dressed." We nodded knowing that , that was the best choice right now. " Oh and when we wake up Hope can tell us what that happened with Josie when we were walking to the Mystic grill." We looked back and seen her grin really wide and then roll her eyes. " Not a Chance" Cheryl and I just looked at each other as we all continue our journey to the showers


It is now 9:30 and Ric just got back to the school. " Man what took you so long?" Rafael and Ric both glanced at Rafael " Someone wouldn't stop complaining about being hungry. So we stopped at a gas station in town to get something to hold him over  until we got here, but as you know that gas station takes us a little out of our way." By the way he said it I could tell he was aggravated . I mean I would be too but at least the made it. Josie and Lizzie walked up behind me to see who the new student was. "Ok girls this is Refael he is a werewolf I want you girls to show him around and get he situated with a room and his schedule." They nodded and started their signature greeting

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