Chapter 3

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Veronica POV:

I have been wondering for a while now trying to find my friends. Like I can't find anyone. I haven't really seen anyone since we got back to school yesterday. So I did what any other millennial would do in this situation... I pulled out of my phone texted Josie.

'Where are you at. I can't find anyone.'

After about two minutes Josie text back

' I'm at the field with the new student. We are watching the game. Come meets us though. I need to talk to you.'

I didn't respond I just started my journey to the field where a Wickery game was taking place, Man I love this game. But anyway after looking around for Josie for about a minute or so I seen her and ran toward her at full speed. " Heyyyyyyy Friend. I missed you soooo much!" She giggled while hugging me back. I could see Lizzie pouting for the corner of my eye " Hey Lizzie i missed you too. I feel like we haven't talked in a long time." I said she while giving her a hug. " I am good I missed you too." I sat down next to Josie and seen a boy sitting next to her. "Hey I am Veronica but everyone calls me Ronnie." I announced while holding my hand out for him to shake. "Sup I'm Rafael." He and Lizzie started talking about something so I turned back to Josie " Hey what's wrong. You said you had to talk to me back something in you message." She took a deep breath and then turned to Lizzie " Hey Liz can you finish the tour without me I gotta talk to Ronnie about that thing I was telling you yesterday." She nodded and then we made our way back to the school and to her room. We sat down on the bed and could feel the sadness radiating off her, and then a tear slowly made its way down her cheek. I ran to her side " Whoa Whoa. What's wrong." I said while hugging her " I just love her so much and I feel like she like me too but she keeps pulling away. Like everything just keeps getting in the way." I sigh because I know how she is feeling " Hey Hey calm down. I need you to take a deep breath. For me please.... Just do what I do. Okay." I brought her hand to my chest and started taking deep breaths, soon enough her breath was evening out and looked up into my eyes. " Thank you" I pulled her into a hug and whispered, "No problem." We pulled away but I could tell that the whole situation was still getting to her " Look you are my best friend but is Hope and I am gonna give you some real advice "Just go for it. Stop letting obstacles get in your way." She chuckled " That is actually really good advice. That both of us should be taking. And Toni." Now it was now my turn to chuckle knowing that what she said was really true. I need to stop letting things get in the way of me telling Betty how I feel.

Knock knock

I looked to Josie to see if she might have invited someone to the room. But she just shrugged, " It's probably Lizzie I told her we were coming back to the room." I nodded and stood and opened the door only to see Hope and Betty both standing there. "Heyyy guys what are you doing here." I said nervously while opening the door wider so that Josie could see who it was "Hey umm we talk" Hope spoke up but she was looking directly at Josie. "Y-yeah" I cleared my thought causing everyone in the room to look towards me " Umm well I will leave you two to talk. And umm Betty I need to talk to you about something too. If that is OK." She smiled at the ground and held grabbed my hand and we started to make our way out of the room. As we passed by Hope I whispered in her ear "Don't hurt her" "I don't plan on it " I nodded and then continued on my way out the room with Betty leading the way. We made it to Betty's room " So... What did you want to talk about?" I took a deep breath and thought to myself come on Lodge you got this. Just tell her how you feel, the worse she can do is say no. I mean that would hurt like sh- "Ronnie are you OK" "Yeah there is something that I really need to tell you. I just don't know how to tell you. I am afraid of what you will say or how you will react. But I was recently told that I had to follow my own advice so here goes nothing... I Love you, and not just in a 'best friend' way. In a 'I want to protect you and love you and show you what it feels like to be treated like the goddess that you are' way. I want to make it so you never feel unloved ever again in your life." I rushed out while looking into her eyes because I wanted her to know that I meant every word that I said. But after a couple minutes of silence I started to lose hope that she might feel the same way as I do. "If you don't feel the same that's Okay I just wanted you to know the truth--" I then felt her grab a hold of my hand "I do feel the same way. I was just shocked. I never thought you would have said you felt that way. I want all of that and I want to be the only one that is able to show you unconditional too." A wide smile then made its way upon my face. I was smiling so hard that my cheeks started to hurt. " So what now?" she questioned genuinely curious on what to do now " Well I would really like to take you on a date, If that is okay with you?" I could feel my heart racing because even though she said she feels the same way I still have insecurity that she might say no. "Of course I will go on a date with you." I smiled again but then became nervous to ask my next question. "Well umm there is something else that I want... Can I kiss you?" I asked while nervously chuckling and rubbing the back of my neck. She didn't answer she just started to slowly move closer and I did too. I closed my eyes and let our lips meet in the middle and I swear it felt like there were butterflies in my tummy. A simple kiss that's all it was and it couldn't have been better. "wow" we both whispered as we pulled away never letting our gaze falter. " That was epic." She just giggled and cuddled into my side "Well I guess I am just an epic kisser." I just rolled my eyes. Man I love her.

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