Chapter 5

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Hope's pov

After everything with Landon and being able to stay here things have been really weird. Ric basically made Betty, Cheryl and I Landon's babysitters because we can't prove that he is supernatural and so until we do that we have to make sure he doesn't mess up. Not one slip up or it is up to us to fix it, and every time that we are around him which is all the time Betty and Ronnie seem really weird, almost as if they are uncomfortable. Same goes for Cheryl and Toni. It's making me upset because Betty, Cheryl and I always share things with each other so now I fell out of the loop. "Hey babe you OK?" I heard Josie ask, we are currently laying down on her bed watching a movie. "Why'd you ask?" I answered while shrugging "Because I have been talking to you for the past five minutes and you just been spaced out the whole time." My cheeks started to burn as I looked down in embarrassment "I am sorry Jo. I've just had a lot on my mind lately." She set up and straddled my waist. "Want to talk about it?" I looked up at her and placed my hands on her legs "I feel like Cheryl and Betty are hiding something from me." She scrunched her eyebrows together in confusion "Why do you think that. You guys tell each other everything." I sighed while sitting up against the headboard with her still on my lap " I know but lately it just seems like there is so much tension. And I don't know, I can just kind of tell when something is off with them." She looked me in the eyes and said I get it. Really I do, but if you really feel that something is off then talk to them. They are probably just scared and don't know how to say what is bothering them." I smiled because it seems like every time I feel stuck Josie is one of the only people who know how to help me out and I am so lucky to have her. " I love you soo much." I haven't said that since the day at the doc and she didn't say it back. She said she wanted to take things slow and here I go rushing things "I'm sorry Jo, I know you said you wanted to take things slow. I won't say it anymore until you are ready." As I finished I noticed that she was just staring at me. "I love you too." My smile got really big "Really? Your not just saying that right." She chuckled and leaned in for a kiss, right before our lips met she whispered "i promise." and then she closed the gap. Oh my gosh it felt like my heart was doing somersaults. After a very sensual make out session we pulled apart and just looked in each others eyes. "You need to go talk to your sisters and I need to go talk to mines." I tilted my head "What's wrong with Lizzie?" She laughed "You really weren't listening. Lizzie has been a little down ever since her latest meltdown you had after the game. So I am gonna hang out with her, try to get her mind off things." "Aww that's sweet of you babe." She smiled and stood up from my lap. She pulled me up and we put out shoes on. "Babe can you zip up my boots. Please???" I looked up and seen that she was doing her puppy dog face. I rolled my eyes but nevertheless I kneeled down and zipped up her boot. "Thanks." I just smile at her. I grabbed her hand "Come on I'll walk with you. Hopeful I will see Betty and Cheryl on the way there." She nodded and we started our walk. Talking about random things and some minor flirting here and there. We got to the main entrance of the school and seen Lizzie and everybody else sitting in the couches in the middle of the room. "Hey there are the lovebirds" We laughed "Hey guys. I didn't know we were meeting here." "Well we texted you." Josie and I pulled out our phones and seen that there was in fact a message from the group chat. "Sorry out phones were on silent. Betty, Cheryl I need to talk to guys." They looked at each other them back at me "Why what's wrong?" I rolled my eyes. "Just come on." I sighed out while pulling them off the couch straight to our room. I pushed them to the bed and I closed the door. "OK what is going on with you two?" They looked at each other in confusion then back at me "What do you mean? Nothing is going on with us." Cheryl announced while chuckling and looking at Betty. I rolled my eyes in frustration because at this point I feel like they are keeping something from me. "Come on guys. Betty every time you are around Landon you get all weird, and Cheryl every time you get around Toni you seem like hate her." I rushed out 'cause I am tired of them being so secretive. They both looked down while I pulled a rolling seat and sit in front of them. "Well don't all speak at once." Betty sighed "Landon kissed me the other day and he said still really likes me and it is making things awkward because Ronnie doesn't want me around him but we have to watch him. It's just really weird and stressful." my eyes got really wide "Wait what. You and Landon kissed, does Ronnie know." She just nodded. Right as I went to respond Cheryl whispered out "I slept with Toni." Me and Betty's head snapped towards her "WHAT??" She sighed, "We were drunk, everything just happened so fast. And then it just kept happening and now I have fallen for her but she just treat me as a booty call." "Wait is that why you guys were arguing at the party the other day." She just nodded "I don't get it. Why didn't you guys just tell me. We tell each other everything." " I'm sorry Hope I just didn't want to talk about it." "Yeah I'm sorry too it was just really embarrassing to think about, let alone talk about. Plus you guys have been hanging out with your girlfriends a lot lately and I didn't want to bother you." I stood up from my chair and set down on the bed in the middle of them " Look I am sorry too. For not spending as much time with you guys. But if something is bothering you can always come to me." I said while pulling them into a hug "Ok" They both whispered while laying their heads on my shoulder.

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