Chapter 9

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Cheryl's POV

We saw Dana stumbling out of the woods and I must say she doesn't look good. She is really pale. I saw her looking around but when she saw us it was almost like a sense of relief washed over her face. She stood up slowly and made her way over towards us. Alex was the first one to speak up "I'm guessing that is Dana." I almost made a smart remark but then I remembered that she was new and didn't do anything to me so I just nodded "What the hell happened to you?" Hope questioned and I giggled at her bluntness. Dana rolled her eyes, sat down and started talking "We were on our way to graffiti that old mill at your school. It was a harmless prank. But then I got snatched and the next thing I remember I woke up in a ditch. So enjoy it while you can Lizzie and Cheryl, I know I look like crap." I looked at Lizzie and then we both rolled our eyes and I heard Alex whisper 'that's a bit of an understatement' We all laughed except for Dana because she couldn't hear her. Dana started massaging her neck when her hand ran over a huge bite mark. It truly looked disgusting "Oh My God!! What is that!?!?!" Hope stepped up to answer but she couldn't think of anything

I've got this big sis

"It's the mother of all hickeys." I blurted out. "Really" Hope questioned and I just chuckled. I wasn't passing up a chance to make fun of Dana. "You're fine Dana, just a little slutty." Lizzie finished and I high fived her. "Good one." Dana scoffed and then started complaining again "I don't even like any of you. I should be talking to the Cops." "Umm, not that I care because I don't like you either, but you don't even know me." Alex announced with a chuckle. Man she is starting to really grow on me. "I can't let you do that." Landon announces while blocking her path long enough for Betty to walk behind her and knock her out with a spell Ad Somnum. "I mean, she can't let you do that." We all watched her hit the grass and then Lizzie turned to Kaleb "So, you didn't kill her... you fucking turned her. What the hell is the matter with you?" Oooo she's mad. "Turned her? now why in the hell would I turn her. I don't have the patience to deal with that for all of eternity." He said with annoyance on his face "Well someone did which means we have a transitioning Vampire on our hands, so what are we gonna do with her?"

Toni's POV:

I was walking through the woods behind the school with Ronnie and we were catching up. "So how are you and Betty?" She sighed and I knew there was something on her mind "We've been great, but I don't like that she has to spend so much time with Landon and it is causing problems." I scrunch my eyebrows together "Why don't you like Landon?" "He told Betty he still had feelings for her and he kissed her. "Oh damn." She nodded "And I know Betty would never cheat on me and she told me she doesn't have feelings for him and that she wants me, but I just feel so weird when he is with her and I am not." "Look at it like this, as soon as they know what he is, he will then be Dr.S problem." She nodded and laughed. We continued to walk and talk when I started to hear branches breaking behind us "You hear that?" Before she could answer Josie came out of nowhere. "Josie, she scared the shit out of me." "I'm sorry. You guys are ready to brainstorm?" We nodded and then sat down on the stairs in the barn. "So Toni has anything come to mind since this morning?" I just shook my head so ashamed of myself. "How did it happen for you guys?" Ronnie was the first to speak up "Well I just sat Betty down and told her how I felt." I looked at Josie "Well Hope kissed me and then ran and then we got into an argument and then we made up because she apologized and I promised that we would work together to make this relationship work." I listened carefully to both of their stories "What is something that Cher finds romantic?" I thought for a minute and then answered " I don't know. But I might have an idea, but the only way it will work is if I have help." I leaned in and told them the plane and I saw smiles spread across their faces. We started figuring out all the details when I looked up and saw a whole lot of spider webs "Guys look." I pointed to the balcony and we all got up and made our way towards the webs. When we got up there we saw that Sarah girl that went missing "Oh man." I tried to break her free but the webs were too tough and I ended up losing my balance. I bumped into Ronnie and Josie and we all ended up trapped in the webs.

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