Chapter 6

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Ric's POV

Lately I have been having this weird feeling that something is coming. Something big and I can't shake it. It all started when Landon arrived so I am going to talk to him so see if I can get some clues as to why I am feeling this way. I knocked on his door but Rafael answered " Hey is Landon here?" He didn't respond he just opened the door a little wider and I saw Landon sitting on his bed with his guitar in hand. "Landon we need to talk." He looked up and I could see the fear spread across his face "Is this about the fight, Cause I just want to say I had no part in it." I just waved him off but that did remind me of something. Anyway I sat down on the chair and looked at him. "No not that. I came here to talk about this weird feeling I have been having since you arrived. I was just wondering has anything weird been happening to you lately." He hesitated a little at first but then gave in "Well the first night I was here Betty showed me the Library and there was this knife there that caught my eye but she told me not to touch it so I didn't. But every morning I wake up the knife is in my bed and I don't know how it keeps getting there. At first I thought it was Rafael but then he said it wasn't him." I scratched my head in confusion because has really never happened before. " Ok I will check the security cameras to see what I can find. Did the knife appear in your bed today?" He stood up and started looking around, he flipped back his blanket and seen the knife just sitting there. He gave it to me "I swear I don't know how that got there." "It's ok I believe you." I walked out the room with the knife in my hand and walked to my office. It is best to keep it with me until I can figure out what is going on. I need to talk to Betty maybe she noticed something from that night that come help. I got to their dorm to see that the door was already opened and the girls sitting on their beds. So I walked in. "Hey Ric what's up?" "Betty the first night Landon was here he said he saw a knife in the Library when you were showing him around, is that true?" She just nodded while sitting up "Well he says that since that night the knife has been popping up in his bed in the middle of the night. So did you see or notice anything weird that night." It was quiet for a second "Well the way he was looking at the knife was kind of weird. It was almost like he was in some kind of trance. But before he could touch anything I closed the case." Ok that's good because now I know that it might be some connection that he could have to this knife but why. "Look Ric we have to get going to out first class but if I think of anything I will let you know." And with that they were out the door.

Josie POV

Right now I am in class with Hope, Lizzie, Betty and Cheryl and all I can think about is yesterday's events, it was mind blowing to say the least. Finding out everything going on with Toni and Cheryl plus the fight, it's just a lot. It is kind of awkward because of everything. I have been racking my brain trying to figure out a way to help Toni but I can't of anything. My thoughts were interrupted by Lizzie bumping me on my shoulder. I jumped slightly.

Pay attention

She told me through our mind link. I looked up and seen Hope staring at me. 'You ok?' She mouthed and I nodded. Lizzie connected our hands and Dorian started talking "Alright gather together, Chain spells are about the fluid movement of energy from witch to witch." He stopped and looked around before asking "Where's Penelope Park?" Lizzie chuckled "Umm Lady cramps Mr. Williams." He visibly got uncomfortable "Sorry I asked...A disharmonious group cause for an uneven flow." Lizzie looked at me and we just started laughing. Our laughter was cut short by a note flying into the room "Uh oh." I whispered because I know it's for us. "Who's in trouble with the headmaster?" Some girl sitting next to Hope asked "Probably the people who started a brawl in the middle of the town." Dorian sassed while looking at the note "Lizzie and Josie Saltzman, Hope , Betty and Cheryl Mikealson Off you go."

We make our way into the library, Hope was holding my hand so I was basically pulling her along because she really didn't want to be here. "Babe keep up." She rolled her eyes but eventually picked up her pace. I tuned back into the conversation and realized that Lizzie was complaining once again "This makes no sense dad. Why are we being punished?" "Because you started a brawl in the middle of the town with students from the local school. You risked exposing what we do here." She sighed " You weren't mad last night." "Oh I was pissed last night but my undying love for my daughters just happened to trump my rage." Hope leaned up against the table and I stood in front of her while wrapping her arms around my waist, while Cheryl and Betty took a seat in the empty chairs next to us. "I volunteered everyone involved in the fight, so stop complaining. You're lucky it's just community service and not actual jail time." Hope chuckled against my neck and it tickled so I softly elbowed her in the stomach and she stopped. "Can I at least offer a rebuttal in my defense, If is pleases the court?" We all turned our attention to her waiting for crazy thing she was about to say. "First of all I was provoked. My response was totally proportional considering the levels of abuse that I was forced to endure." Hope chuckled softly in disbelief. "Secondly... if anyone should take the blame it's Josie." "What" I pushed myself off of Hope, I even heard Betty and Cheryl scoff before spoke up from behind me and said "Great job throwing your sister under the bus." I looked over my shoulder "Thanks Babe" I said while leaning back into her embrace. I just rolled my eyes my eyes at Lizzie I can't believe her. "It doesn't matter whose fault it was I trusted all of you to go into town and you broke that trust. So you are going, end of story." My Dad stated authoritatively. "Look the bus leaves in ten minutes and I expect all of you on the bus working as a unit. Now go all of you. Come on" Everybody groaned and started to disperse. " Josie I will meet you outside we have to talk your dad." I nodded "OK Babe." I gave her a kiss and walked away. I wonder what they had to talk to him about.

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