Chapter 4

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Hope's POV

After taking my shower and getting dressed I went off to find Betty and Cheryl so we can go talk to Landon. " Betty you sure you're ready for this? I know you and him have a past" I asked as we sat by the fireplace. " Well I mean yeah. Like you said he is my past. I've moved those feelings faded a long time ago." She assured. Cheryl and I nodded "So what did you guys do all day?" Cheryl asked Betty and I as we stood up and slowly started making our way downstairs. I felt my heart starts to race, thinking about who I spent my day with and I can also hear Betty's heart starts to race. I guess Cheryl could tell we were holding back because she stopped walking causing us to turn around. "Ok you two spill. I can hear both of your hearts pick up speed when I asked you that question." I blushed "Well if you must know I kissed Josie and now we are kind of a thing now. But we are taking things slow because we still need to work through some things." I rushed out. "OMG really I am so happy that you finally grew the balls to ask her out." I chuckled while softly hitting her on the shoulder. She laughed " What about you B, you are never this quiet unless you are hiding something so spill." We both turned to her waiting for her to respond to the question at hand. She suddenly found her hands so interesting because she wouldn't stop staring at them and playing with them. I saw her blush and then heard her whisper something under her breath. So low that even with our super hearing Cher and I still couldn't make out what she was saying. "Sorry, what did you say. We could hear you." "I said Veronica asked me to her girlfriend and I said yes." " Wait so let me get this straight in the matter of a couple hours you two were able to finally get the girls. WOW. I need to get on your level." We laughed as we continued our walk and talked about our days. We finally made it downstairs and to the cell that Landon was being held in. I saw that he was leaning against the wall " Hey" Betty said while Cheryl and I just gave him a simple wave. "Betty." Cheryl scoffed and I elbowed her in her ribs

Stop that

We're here too. It's not just Betty.

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but chuckle and Betty couldn't either. "What's funny?" Landon questioned clearly oblivious to what is going on. We shook our head "Couldn't sleep?" Betty questioned while dismissed his question and bending down to sit on the ground. Cheryl and I following her lead.

Betty POV:

"Yeah small places you know. Why you guys down here?" "Well we wanted to check on you and make sure you were alright. Plus we were a little restless." He chuckled "Busy brain ?" Hope laughed "Busy everything. Our bodies got a lot going on inside of them" I just nodded in agreement with Hope "That is actually an awesome segue into you guys telling me how you can move things with your mind." "Man you ask a lot of questions." Cheryl jokes "Wouldn't you?" Oh he got us there. We sat there for a little bit just talking when he started smiling "Why are you smiling?" I asked " I am just remembering that time we danced in the town square. The guy that was always messing with me in school finally got what was coming to him. That on top of getting to dance with you Betty. It turned out to be the best day that I have had in a really long time." The memories started flooding my head, I smiled because that was a good day but I don't want Landon to get the wrong message. I am with Ronnie and I am happy. "Just like me to crush on the girl with the most baggage." He joked and looked over at me. I looked back at Hope and Cheryl silently telling them that we need to go. We can't be here anymore. Hope finally spoke up because I couldn't think of anything to say "Umm we have to go. You should try that sleep thing again. Take your mind off of things." We stood up and was about to leave when we were stopped by a voice " You know you guys do that a lot." "What?" There was a moment of silence when he finally said "Leave." With that I could practically feel my heart break a little, and I know Hope and Cheryl felt it to. "We can be dangerous to people. So it's better if we keep our distance." Cheryl spoke up " Better for who?" I rolled my eyes " Again with the questions." I stormed off with Hope and Cheryl following behind me. I finally slowed down when we made it back to our room "B don't let him get to you. You nothing wrong." I nodded while sitting down on the bed. Cheryl walked over to the closet " You guys going to the party tonight." "I am. I promised Josie I was gonna meet her there. And she just texted saying she wanted to tell me something. What about you Betty?" I just shrugged. Originally I was gonna go but now I just want to go for a run and blow off some steam. " I was but I think I am just gonna go for a run. I have been working on the spell that lets me turn without you guys having to be there." " Wait really. That's awesome. Are you sure it is safe." I nodded yeah I tested it out a few times with Ric and he said that it worked." "Ok be safe and tell Ric you are going for a run." I nodded and left

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