Chapter 7

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Betty's POV

"YOU WANT TO USE WHAT, TO DO WHAT?!?!?!" Josie yelled slash whispered "I told you that you weren't gonna like it, You don't have to if you don't want to." Hope spoke up "Yeah Jo it's your choice." Cheryl reassured. Ronnie came up behind me and pulled me into a hug while we waited for Josie to make up her mind. "OK I'll help but don't we need something of his in order to get a connection to him." I then felt a light bulb go off in my head. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the note that Landon gave me earlier before we left "This should work. It is a letter that Landon gave me before he left." Veronica pulled back a little "Why? What does it say?" I just shrugged, "I don't know, I didn't plan on reading it but I never got a chance to throw it away and now I am glad I didn't." I handing the note to Hope and we all joined hands in the middle and started the spell

Landon's lost memory

He got up from his bed and stared at Rafael for a little bit before turning towards the door in a hypnotized type state. He slowing made his way through the halls of the boarding school and then turned into the library. He walked over to the case and picked up the knife, it started to glow this really bright orange and then he turned around and slowly made his journey back to his room with the knife clenched tightly in his hand. He then got in bed and went back to sleep.

End of memory

That was really weird. That is what has been happening since that night in the library. As I was about to question what we just seen Josie doubled over in pain again "Josie what's wrong?" Ronnie questioned while going over to aid her best friend. " This is twin pain. Something's wrong. I think Lizzie's in trouble." Hope sprung into action seeing her girlfriend in pain. We all started looking around only to see that Lizzie was nowhere to be found so that meant that she must have went back to the school. " Come on guys, let's go back to the school." We walked over to Dorian to see if he would let us go back but he is being really difficult. "I'm sorry I can't let you guys leave." "No you don't understand Lizzie is in trouble I have to go home to make sure she is alright." Josie stated "Look I am under really strict orders to keep all of you here." Dorian reasoned " What why?" Cheryl questioned with an attitude "Yeah and why are you researching that?" He tried to close the book about gargoyles but had all already seen it. "Go ahead and take this book with you to give to Alaric." Dorian reasoned while handing over the book to us and ran to make it up the hill. We got to the front gate only to see that there was a barrier around the school. Josie stepped up and siphoned it and then we ran into the school. "Look we should split. We will cover more ground." and with that we all went our different ways looking for any sign of people or danger. I was walking to the library when Ric walked up behind me and scared the shit out of me "What are you doing here?" "Oh My God." I flinched and turned around to face him. "Don't do that you scared the living daylights out of me." "Dorian was supposed to keep you away." Ric stated completely ignoring what I just said. Like he didn't apologize or anything , just rude. "He tried. He lost but here he gave it to me to give to you. He said it is basically a guide to killing gargoyles, he thought you would be able to translate it." I said while handing him the book. "Son of a..." He started but stopped and then started silently reading what was in the book, and I am starting to get a little impatient "Soo is there anything in there that is gonna help us or are we on our own here." "It says that we have to hit hard repeatedly." I nodded and then we hear a roar come from upstairs "Is that.." He just nodded "Look it poisoned Lizzie probably to get my attention, and it took the knife." My eyes went wide "The knife, the one that Landon has been sleep stealing for the past couple of weeks." He looked at my with a confused expression on his face "I'll tell you later. Look we had to take down a Barrier spell in order to get in so whatever is in here can get put." He then started going on about Lizzie putting up the spell. He then walked over to the wall and got two mediaeval hatchet looking things- I don't know what they are called- and came back over to me. "Where is Hope and Cheryl and how did you get the barrier down." I opened my mouth to speak when Josie came from out of nowhere with Cheryl, Hope and Ronnie right behind her "She didn't, I did and I have questions." She took the weapon and started walking off "ooooo your in trouble." I said jokingly to Ric. He just walked away. We followed behind chuckling every now and then. We followed the long scratches that were left on the wall and it eventually lead us to the dinning hall "Emma, Emma." We saw a door open and Emma held her finger up to her mouth tell us to be quiet only for us to hear heavy footsteps entering the room from the top of the stairwell. Emma closed the door and we all turned around to see the scariest shit I have ever seen in my life "Oh shit." I hear Cheryl say behind me. A big gargoyle came into the room and I knew this was about to get crazy. It flew down the stairs and hit Hope who was standing in the way of him getting to anyone else. "NO!!" Josie, Cheryl and I yelled and then Ric ran over and jumped in front of Hope only for the gargoyle to stop dead in his tracks.

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