Chapter 1- Camp (Part 1)

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Betty's pov:

"There is no way I am doing that" I laugh. "Come on B!" V laughs. "I am not kissing my brother, that's incest" I say smirking. "It's spin the bottle, just do it" Cheryl says. "Cheek?" I ask. "Fine then" V says. I give my oldest brother, Mitchell a peck on the cheek and then burst out laughing. "Thanks baby sis" He smirks. "Shut up, Georgie is the youngest" I laugh. "Both of you shut up!" Georgia says as we all laugh. "What time's curfew?" Luke asks. "Who knows, probs 10:00pm like the last times" Charles chuckles. "Who cares, they will come and tell us, anyway" Zach says. This was the first day of summer camp and as a tradition we were playing 'spin the bottle' like last year and the year before and by we I mean, Veronica, Cheryl, Charles, Mitchell, Luke, Zach, Georgia and I. Cheryl, Veronica and I have been best friends since we were 2 years old. It has always been a thing that we all go to this camp together. This is the first year that my little sister, Georgia, has came to camp. As for my brothers and their best friend Zach, that's a different story. I love my siblings and besties so much, they are my world. "I'm next!" Georgia shouts. We all chuckle as she spins the bottle. "SHAME!" I yell. "No" she groans. "Whats wrong with me!?" Zach yells. We all laugh as she leans in to kiss him. "Shut up" She says as she slaps me. "What!" I chuckle. They kiss and immediately, Georgie wipes her lips. "It's like kissing my brother!" Georgie yells. Zach spins the bottle and it lands on Cheryl. "Ew, I hate boys" Cheryl groans. Cheryl is definitely into girls not boys. "Hurry up" Luke chuckles as he pokes out his lips as a joke. "Guys, you know the drill" Our favourite camp leader, Cecilia says. "Fine" we groan. "Out you go, boys" She says as the boys stand up. "Night" Mitchell says as he kisses mine and Georgie's head. "Night" We both says as they all leave. I get under my bed covers and instantly fall asleep; excited for tomorrow.

Jug's pov:

"Why the fuck do we have to be here" I groan. "Because, I want you all to make friends" My dad chuckles. "We have the serpents though" My older sister, Jessica moans. "Jess, Jug and JB, put up with it and have a good time" My dad says. "Come on guys, maybe this will be fun" Toni says. "Yeah, no parents" Sweetpea says. "And, I'm sure there will be really hot girls here" Fangs chuckles. "And Don't forget about the guys, Jess" Zoey says. "Fine, I'm in" Jess says. "Have fun, see you in a few weeks" My dad says and drives off. "Do you know how many north siders are going to be here" I moan. "This sucks" Jellybean groans and stomps off towards the cabin. "Jug, brighten up,  okay" Jess says to me as I reach my cabin. "Okay fine, Love you" I mumble. "Love you too, see you soon" Jess says and ruffles my hair. "Bye, JB" I say. "Bye, Jug" She says. Toni, Zoey, Jess and JB walk to their own cabin while Sweetpea, Fangs, Reggie and I go into our cabin. "It's not bad in here" Reggie says as he chucks his bag in the corner. "Yeah, I guess" I mumble and lye down on my bed. "Bro, cheer up, we're parentless" Sweetpea says. "We are still under watch, you idiot" I say. "Guys, let's just leave him alone" Fangs says as they all walk out of the cabin. "Jug, talk to me" Jess sighs as she sits on the edge of my bed. "I just want to do regular serpent stuff, not be here with all these shitty north siders" I sigh. "Jug, I get it but maybe some good will come out of it" Jess says. "Yeah, I guess you're right" I say sitting up. "Now, let's go and play some soccer with the others" She says. "Fine" I say standing up. "Hey, Jug!" Jelly yells as she kicks the ball into the goal. "Nice job!" I say as I run onto the field. "Let's pick teams" Sweets says. "Verse?" I ask Jess. "It's on" She laughs. "I take Reggie" I say. "I take Zoey" She says. "Sweets" I point. "Fangs" She smirks. "JB" I say. "Toni" She says. "Your going down" I say; running to the centre. "Whatever makes you happy" She smirks. "I'm coaching" Dan (Camp counsellor) says. We all nod and then the whistle goes off. I kick the ball to Sweetpea and he runs it down the field. "Here!" JB yells. Sweetpea kicks it too JB and she scores the first goal. "No!" Jess yells. "Yes, JB!!" I yell as I high five her. "Guys, get it together" Jess says since she is extremely competitive. "Sore loser" I shout. "The game just started!"  She yells as the whistle goes off again. 

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