Chapter 10- Forced apart

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*2 weeks later* Betty and Jughead went home after a few days. *Sunday*

Alice's pov:

"Good morning, Elizabeth" I say as she enters the kitchen. She ignores me and grabs 2 apples. "Why 2?" I ask. "I'm hungry" She snaps. "Who is up there!" I shout as I hear a bang. "Its probably Georgie" She says. "Georgia is at the mall and Mitch, Charles and Luke are a basketball game with your father" I say. "Well there is no one up there" She says. "Your lying to me!" I shout as I storm past her. "Mom, don't go up there!" She shouts. I stomp up the stairs and then enter her bedroom. "You!" I shout. "Oh fuck" Jug says as he moves backwards. "Get out of the my daughters bedroom!" I shout. "Mom, stop!" Betty yells. "I told you to stay away from him!" I yell. "And I told you I am still going to see him!" She shouts. I grab Jughead bu the ear and drag him out of the bedroom. "Stop!" He whines in pain. I stop by the staircase and release his ear. He covers his ear with his hand as he yelps in pain. "Get downstairs and sit on the couch!" I demand. The both pout and stumble down the stairs. "Fp, get your ass over here!" I shout through the phone. "Alice, whats wrong!?" Fp asks. "Your son was in my daughters bedroom!" I shout. "I'm on my way" He sighs and hangs up. "What is wrong with you two!" I shout as I enter the living room. "Gosh Mom, calm down" Betty says with a grin. "I am so done with this!" I shout as I sit down on one of the chairs. "Mom, we're not going to stop seeing each other so whats the point of this?" She asks. I go to reply but Fp and Gladys come charging in. "Boy!" Fp shouts. "That was quick" Jug murmurs. "Can you just please stop seeing each other!" Gladys yells. "Betty why don't I set you up with that nice Andrews boy, he plays football and is a musician" I exclaim. "Hey, I play football and can play the guitar, just saying" Jughead says with a sassy voice. "No one was talking to you" I snap. "Don't talk to my son like that!" Gladys snaps. "Oh shut your mouth" I say as I roll my eyes. "What are we going to do about them?" Fp sighs. "Let us be!" Betty snaps. "Don't raise your voice" I snap back. "Go to hell" She mumbles, thinking I can't hear her. "Elizabeth go to your room" I say. "Okay, Come on Jug" She smirks as she stands up. "He stays down here" I say. "I'm choosing to ignore you" She snaps and leads Jughead upstairs. "I'm sending Betty to her grandmothers for awhile,  there is some guys up there that can hopefully sweep her off her feet" I say proudly. "What about school?" Fp asks. "She will be doing it online until she gets back" I say. "Well I'm all for it" Gladys says as she claps her hadst together. "When is she leaving?" Fp asks. "I will drive her up to the farm on Monday" I say. "Perfect, we will keep Jughead distracted until then" Gladys grins. I nod and stand. up. "Jughead, we're leaving!" Gladys shouts. Betty and him run downstairs hand in hand. "Bye, love you" She smirks as she pecks his lips. "Love you too" He smirks back as his parents drag him out the door. Betty smirks at me as she trots up the stairs. 

Betty's pov:

I walk upstairs and grab out my diary. I sit in my window seat and start writing down the events that just occurred. Once I had done that I grabbed out my phone and rung Jughead to see. if we could meet; I missed him already. "Hey, baby, whats up?" He says. "Wanna go to pops?" I ask. "Yeah sure, meet you there in 10?" He says. "Perfect, see you then" I say and hang up. I grab my coat and run downstairs. "Mom, I'm going to Veronica's!" I yell as I exit the house. I skip down the road as I make my way to Pops. "Morning, Pop!" I smile as I enter the diner. "Morning, Betty" He smiles back. I sit down in Jughead and I's normal booth.  "Can I get you anything?" Pop asks as he reaches my table. "I'm okay, I'm just waiting for someone first" I smile. He nods and walks back towards the counter. I hear the door bell ring so I quickly turn my head. to see Jug standing there while smirking at me. I get out of the booth and pull him into a long and passionate kiss (A.N: Like 2x05) "Missed me that much" He chuckles as we sit down, opposite of each other. I giggle and start playing with my hair tie. "You alright?" He asks. "Our parents must have planned something" I sigh and look up at him. "They have to eventually accept it" He says with a slight smile on his face.  "Oh my Mom doesn't have to accept anything" I sigh. "Baby, don't say that" He says as he grabs my hands. "I wish we could just go" I say with tears in my eyes. "Me too" He sighs. "I hate living here, I hate it" I say as a tear rolls down my face.  "Baby" He sighs as he stands up and moves to sit next to me. He wraps his arms around me as I rest my head on his shoulder. "Can I get you anything, Kids?" Pop asks quietly. "Want anything, Baby?" He whispers. I shake my head 'no'. "Can you please just get us a vanilla milkshake, chocolate milkshake and some curly fries" He says. "Coming up" He smiles. "You got me a milkshake?" I smirk. "Don't want you drinking mine" He smirks back. I smile and giggle. "Here you go" Pop says as he hands us our food. "Thank you, Pop" We both say with a slight smile. Jug starts munching down his curly fries while I take small sips of my milkshake. "Happy now?" He smirks. "Yeah" I giggle as I place my milkshake down on the table. I quickly snatch one of Jug's curly fries from the bowl and then place it in my mouth. "Excuse you!" Jug says with a fake mad look on his face. "I was hungry" I say innocently with a grin on my face. "You should have ordered you own" He says sarcastically. I chuckle and grab another one of his curly fries. "Only because I love you" He smirks and kisses my temple. I grin at him and then go back to drinking my milkshake.

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