Chapter 2

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Zoey shook herself off and she stuck her head up. Four other girls were lying down on the cold, hard ground. Zoey looked up again and she saw Dawn sitting on a rock, meditating.

'Dawn?' She asked, 'Everything alright?'

Dawn smiled. 'I'm okay Zoey.'

Zoey nodded and looked back at the four other girls who were now stirring awake. It was weird, she couldn't remember anything, but she knew all of their names. They all seemed to be in the same position as her.

'Where are we?' Dakota asked, sitting up and wiping her eyes.

Zoey shrugged. 'I don't know.' She got up and walked over to Dawn.

'Do you know where we are?' She asked Dawn.

Dawn looked into her eyes. 'No.'

Everyone else started to get up and looked around.

'So, no one knows where we are?' Staci asked.

Everyone shook their heads and they looked around.

'Maybe we should look around?' Zoey suggested, and everyone looked around.

When nobody moved Zoey decided to start walking off to try and encourage them to, but when she looked back, only Jo was following her.

'Hey.' Zoey smiled.

Jo nodded but kept on walking, she wasn't there to talk to Zoey, she was only there to find out what was going on. Zoey followed Jo around, but they couldn't find anything, it all looked the same, trees, bushes and grass.

'Do you know where we are?' Zoey asked Jo.

Jo shook her head. 'No.'

Zoey turned around and sighed. They were lost.

Zoey turned around to see Jo was walking off. 'Where are you going?'

'To find out what the fuck is going on.' Jo replied, and she walked away. Zoey, worried followed closely behind her. The two of them carried on walking around when Jo stopped Zoey by placing an arm in front of her.

'What?' Zoey whispered.

'I can hear something.' Jo told her.

Jo shuddered, pushing Zoey onto the ground. 'What was that for?' She whisper-shouted.

Zoey looked at Jo who had fallen on top of her. 'Jo?' Zoey asked, trying to push her off. She managed to get Jo off and she quickly clamped her hand over her mouth to stop her from screaming. Some sharp object was in Jo's neck.

Zoey started sprinting. She needed to get away.

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