Chapter 11

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Zoey quickly ducked down behind a bush, hand over her mouth. A big man was dragging Dakota along, and it was clear she was upset with all the struggling she was undergoing.

Mike was frozen. 'B...' He whispered, unable to comprehend that it was the silent big guy who had killed everyone else.

'We need to save her.' Zoey whispered.

Mike glanced at the redhead. 'What? But he'll-'

'Mike!' She hissed. 'We must. It's the good thing to do.'

Mike locked eyes with her and he nodded. Bracing himself for whatever fight he may have to go through. The two of them got up, Zoey had regained some of her strength, so she could now walk by herself. They crept along, following the trail of screams.


Dakota found herself being dragged into a dark cave. Where the abomination of a man lit a match he had stuffed into his pocket.

'What do you want!' She screamed.

'Watch this.' He told her.

Her eyes went wide in confusion as he took out a small recording from his pocket.

'What are you doing?' She asked.

'You'll see.' He smiled, pressing a button on the side of it.

She looked up in confusion when she heard her own voice.

'This...This is...Captain Dakota Milton... My aircraft has been infiltrated... supplying a mind wipe. For me and my twelve, companions.'

Her eyes went wide. She was the reason they couldn't remember anything.

'There's an escape ship, to... the north.' Her voice stuttered. 'Must prevent him. Getting it-'

The voice went quiet and she looked up at him.

'You understand now, Miss Milton?'

She locked eyes with him, but there was one thing she still didn't understand. 'What was I the Captain of?'

'A paranormal Investigators Team.' B told her. 'Following up on the five cases over the past year.'

'What cases?'

'It started out with the Twenty Murders of previous Total Drama Island Contestants and staff, where six fortunate people escaped.' B told her. 'But since then. There have been none.'

'You killed all of them?' She asked.

'Mostly yes, but mainly no. Enough questions.'

She looked at him. Was all he saying really true? All these people had really been killed? Didn't sound too farfetched, she'd seen many die tonight... but why? Why was he doing this? What was he gaining?

'Why?' She asked him.

B frowned. 'Enough questions.' He ordered, pulling his knife out again. He stepped forward when someone lunged in. She looked up to see a young man in a dirty blue shirt. Mike! It was coming back to her now. The young guy pushed B, but he didn't budge too much, meanwhile, Zoey grabbed Dakota's arm and the two of them started running.

'Mike!' Zoey yelled. Screaming for him.

Mike hit B, but he grabbed his arm slamming him to the ground. The smaller guy struggled but pulled his arm away from where he started running. He didn't realise how quick B was, however, and he quickly caught up to him. 'Run!' Mike screamed to Zoey. 'Just run!'

His last words before being slammed down. The girls heard a strange crunch as Mike fell down. Zoey instinctively looked back, but Dakota grabbed her and the two kept going.

'Where are we going!' Zoey asked her.

'North.' Dakota told her. 'To safety.'

Zoey nodded and followed the blonde, running away.

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