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╁Kylo Ren

I check her pulse and see that it's fainting. "Mom!" I shout and my mother quickly carries the girl in her arms.

We go to the Infirmary. Nurses quickly grab her and take her away. I follow but mother blocks me. "Let them take care of her," she calms me down. She wipes the tears that I didn't notice that escapes my eyes.

"Let's go ask those bad men why they done this huh?" she suggests and I just nod. We go to a room where Chewie places the men.

As I enter the room, I feel anger running through my veins. "Why you guys done it?" my mother ask as she sits on the chair. I look at them and see tears flowing down thier eyes. Pathetic.

"She..." the other man stammers, "She thinks she can go to the Millennium Falcon." What?! Only because of that they will beat her up so badly. What a bunch of jerks!

"Is that a good reason to beat up the poor girl?" my mother asks nicely while I was burning up. "She sneak out past the guards and has been trespassing on the base for several occasions, ma'am," the man explains.

My mother sighs and pinch the bridge of her nose. She is getting piss off too. "You guys are fired," she simply says. "No! General please!" they beg on thier knees. I watch them with bitterness. How could they? After beating up a child, they will beg to be back on service.

"I am sorry I can not bring you guys back with that kind of attitude," she defenses. "We are sorry!" the other man apologizes and I scoff. "Sorry?!" I shout, can not hold back anymore.

"Beat a poor girl and you will just say sorry! You guys nearly killed her!" I shout out my angry. Mother hold me down and sits me in my chair. "You guys should apologize to girl not me," mother says.

We go to the Infirmary and see the girl is now wide awake. She looks at them and her heart beat quickens. The monitor starts beeping loudly. She whimpers as she push herself at the corner of the bed.

Mother approaches her and calms her down. She whispers something in her ear as she finally calms down.

The two walks up and bows thier head. "We are so sorry for beating you," the other guy apologizes. "I am sorry too... I am just so hungry and decided to go in your base. After I ate, I decided to check out the infamous Millennium Falcon. I am sorry too," she apologizes. The men smile and offers thier hands. The girl quickly shakes it.

After awhile, we are left alone. My heart beats loudly at the awkward silence feeling the room. I am shy to talk to her. But I try to lighten up the mood.

"Hey..." I start and she looks at me. I quickly connect into her black eyes. I smile and ask, "How are you feeling?" "A little hungry," she admits and I laugh. I go outside and ask mother for food. She gives me a bread.

I walk proudly back to her room with the bread in my hands. "Here is your bread... ummmm...." I say as I give her the food. She tilts her head in confusion, which is so cute by the way. My heart beat quickens.

"I do not know your name," I scratch my head. She laughs and say, "Claire." Woah! She has a beautiful name.

"Claire. My name is Ben," I offer my hand which she takes. "Thank you Ben for saving me," she thanks. I smile and say,

"While I am still alive, no one will ever hurt you again."

A knock interrupts my flashback. I sit up my bed and shout, "Who is it?!" "It's me, the General," Hux answers and I groan. "What do you want?" I ask madly. "The girl is awake," he simply informs me.

I jolt up and quickly grab my helmet and lightsaber. I walk outside and head immediately to the Interrogation Room.

I punch the code and it opens. I see her, sitting up the bed. My heart beats loudly. She still looks stunning. She give me one for her signature death glare.

"What do you want?" she hisses. Still fiesty. "For you to work with us," I say in a robotic tone. She scoff and say, "Work with you. Please..." "We need you be with us," I explain as I walk toward her. She has grown up.

"Never," she hisses venomously. She attacks me but I stop her with a force chock. "You are one brave girl," I comment as she struggle to breathe. She hold her throat and reach at me.


I quickly let her go. She falls to the floor, catching her breath. "You will serve the First Order. Is that clear?" I say as I feel my heart breaking apart just looking at her struggling.

"Yes," she croaks out. "You will be escorted to your room. General Hux will breif you later after you change into your clothes," I tell her as I walk to the door, punching the codes.

"Jerk..." she whispers but I hear it. I clench my fist and grab my lightsaber. I ignite it and red light illuminates the room. I walk towards her but she doesn't move, not even an inch. We are so close to each other. Our breathe sync to one another.

"Kill me," she says. I look at her eyes her determination in it. She doesn't want to serve the First Order. I can feel it.

"Hmm... You are too valuable to be killed," I say and go to the door. I punch in the code. "Just kill me!" she shouts at me. I face her and say, "You will not be killed. You will serve the First Order."

She sighs in defeat. "General Hux will escort your room. You will be toured on base," I inform her as the door opens.

"I will never serve the first Order."

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